Poem 6 - The puppet master (PRV2)

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Inspiration: Metalica - Master of puppets (title)
RIELL - Fancy toys (lyrics)

The people around you are your toys
You love to break them, it gives you joy
Existences like you have no heart
Needless to say, are very smart

Your words remind me of chains,
your actions are strings
You convince others that anger is boiling in your veins
You control your puppets using fear
You enjoy keeping them near

When you're bored you dispose of your figures
The broken lay here in the darkness
The reason for their suffering
Is that you're heartless

The heart of a stone can't be melted
You are the master of puppets
You're the reason why they die inside faster
You pull the strings heartlessly
You use them to amuse yourself endlessly

The whole world is your play
You don't care if they decay
You are heartless and cruel
You enjoy burning their soul on fuel

You pull the strands as you desire
People don't want to step into your crossfire
The whole world is your play
And everyone in it is your puppet

You amuse yourself with them
until they're cracked and shattered
You don't care if they lack happiness

You are selfish and cruel
You're cold and freezing
And yet you have a natural charm

The shattered toys you throw on your farm
In the blackness, disposed of, left to decay
Left to rot until there's no life left,
You killed all the light,

There's nothing to make you understand the pain
How it feels once you make the bullets rain
How it feels to be the master's puppet

Being lost in your strands and distortions
Losing your mind in emotions
You set the play in motion
And you don't care about your victims' emotions

When you're bored you dispose of your toys
The broken lay here in the darkness
The reason for their suffering
Is that you're heartless

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