Poem 30 - Overthinking pessimist

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No one ever asked how I was feeling
No one asked if I'm fine
These people keep talking
I can't get it out of my mind

It's too much, why can't they stay quiet?
Too many conversations at once
I can't take it, it's too much
What's wrong with me? I don't know

I retreat and I can't tell
What I did and why I felt that way
This monster won't let me go
Gripping me by my shoulders
Forcing me to be alone

I'm good at hiding you can't tell how I feel
It's a mask, a poker face underneath
I built walls so they won't come close

Why should I speak if there's nothing to say?
If I never say anything they won't hurt me
Endless conversations about nothing

My mind is too focused on their conversations
I need to retreat, I struggle to find a way out
Ignored, over talked, never seen
Of course they never ask how I've been

There's borders between me and them
Invisible walls, a barrier I can't overcome
I put up a mask, became invisible, a husk

If I speak I'll be in the spotlight
Words are replaced by panic, a fright
What I did wrong keeps me up at night

I am too different, misunderstood
Rejected by society, not fitting in
Yes it hurts me, so I never speak
When they come over I freak out

Always third wheeling, left out
Hiding in the corner, afraid to come out
Society forged me to be who I am
I can't escape the hole they dug for me

What's wrong with me?
I don't know how to fix myself
I'm afraid to be myself
Invisible, like I don't exist
Forgotten in others’ memory

I wish to speak yet I cannot
It's hard to speak without fear
If they reject me again I might break
Empty words, mindless conversations

Overwhelmed by the change of pace
I might retreat and leave without a trace
Not like anyone would ever notice

Of course it makes no sense
I built this never ending fence
Putting up all of my defense
Always being tense

An overthinking pessimist
Desperately trying not to drown
Afraid of change

What I crave is something
I avoid out of pure fear
Perhaps I'll never overcome this barrier
Perhaps I'll be happier in a way

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07 ⏰

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