Poem 21 - Slave of a screen (PRV1)

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My hands are tied down
The chains weighing me down
These people in my phone
Make my mind feel deeply alone

The other world is where I live
It is the place where anything I give
I am living in the digital realm
Hands are tied to the device

Constantly checking notifications
Feeling disappointed in every location
I gave them everything so why?

Feeling trapped, I cannot go
People inside my device won't let me go
The tension is building up

My friends live inside the device
Call me, text me, always at your service
Stuck up in the other world, chained down

The escape from reality is what I held to
No life outside the screen
These people didn't care as much as I did
The hells and distances I went through
Take these jars stuff feelings close the lid

The digital realm is a rabbit hole
Fall in, you won't get out
It's hard to escape everything you've known
Creating useless things you own

Tell your stories to strangers
Naive, misunderstand the dangers
Overshare overthink
Stand on the edge of a brink

Demons tying your noose tighter
Don't let them get you, be a fighter
Living virtually is no good
Feeling tired, tied up to your mobile

Likes comments messages
Reading through their passages
These empty lies they tell
I cannot get outside the hole I fell in
I want to hear the bell
Locked in my digital cell

Addiction is invading
I wish I could be free
No one for me outside the screen
It's just me, no true friends, alone

I might have a family
But that doesn't help me, still lonely
I threw my phone and soon kept checking

I waste time scrolling my life away
The soreness in my eyes growing
These little devils won't let me be
I just wish I could set myself free

Slaves to our phones, social media
I wish I could disappear one day
When my hope leads me astray
The one life I desire
I hope I will soon acquire

If you live in your screen
You will not appreciate anything that's been
Lonely, isolation, no consolation

Users in the virtual realm don't care about you
Stay true all you want, they are fake
They will watch you break and crumble apart
Consider them friends as you want
Satisfy them, their wishes you can grant
But in the end, it's only you and yourself

The attachment to your telephone is no good
A way of living you misunderstood
The evil in your phone wants you to respond
Check every second, fear of missing out

The virtual world is not to be messed with
The devil's deal, an electronic slave
You gave them the reigns, full control
You gave away your everything

Stay active or they won't care
Talk to them or they will leave
Metal chains around your hands
Tired, stuck, can't run away
You're a phone's slave, staying in the gray

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