Poem 3 - Stone heart (PRV2)

14 1 6

Convinced my heart was made out of stone,
It was too cold, freezing
Breeze taking the emotion,

Emotions are similar to a machine,
Unable to show happiness for what's been
I tried to smile, but I just couldn't,
My soul was empty, turned to stone
I couldn't help but feel alone
My bones are hollow and empty

The breeze took away all the emotion
I got chained in the distortion
Why can't I express myself?
Why do I feel as if I'm something less?

Mess in my head and in my heart
Convinced I'm incapable of love
Unable to express if I'm moved or not
Feeling as if I'm not loved by anyone

Many months many hours pass
I'm feeling numb, resembling a bird in a cage
Locked to eternity, accepting its fate
I don't question if it's too late
To try to unlock the gate

I got used to the imprisonment
To live this way even if the world is grey
A lot of days, minutes pass
Every day is the same

I am shallow and dull, my heart is cold
Who would love me, if I can't anyone?
The emptiness is endless
There's a mess in my head
My soul doesn't feel complete
It's as if something is missing

I'm scared to love, to move,
I am stuck in my grey days
Entering the same place
Numb and empty
It's the way I'm used to live

I'm a bird locked in its cage
Numb, dull, and hollow,
Deep inside is all my sorrow
It will be the same tomorrow

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