Poem 11 - Unspoken emotions

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There is so much hidden inside
It's the place where all feelings hide
Some words can't be spoken easily

There are some things others won't understand
When you speak your troubles out
Even your loved ones don't always get it
And then it's you who regrets it

Sometimes if you speak you'll hurt others
You hide the pain inside
Because even if you said what hurts you
Nothing would change

Sometimes we have to understand the reality
You can't change someone
Or you'll end up being the one who's damaged

Sometimes the reality is rather cruel
Will leave you feeling lost out in the blue
Some words have to remain unspoken forever
If you don't want to lose your loved ones

The fear of rejection is what hurts the most
It's the insecurity lurking near,
waiting to attack you from the behind

If you said what bothers you you'd lose them,
Your needs and feelings are rather dismissed,
They aren't mature enough to understand,
And when the snakes inside you begin to hiss
You have to swallow it all down

Don't let jealousy devour your love
Don't let selfishness win
Everyone has their own perspective
The voices in your head can be depictive

Which choice is right, and which choice is wrong?
You long for understanding,
for being told what to do,
And the only one who can help is yourself

Your memories lay on the shelf untouched
You can return to the past,
replay everything that lasted and didn't last
Wipe off the dust of golden times

Can someone save the fire in your heart
From completely burning out?
Is your burnout even someone's fault?
How long can you last,
before everything you built becomes dust?

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