Poem 4 - The journey to healing (PRV2)

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The rain is pouring down
The tears falling don't make a sound
Walking around with no goal

Tears soak into the ground
Drowning in emotions, what is it worth?
Am I being incorrect?
Have I been walking the wrong path all along?

Lost in the reality, in the mind
Wandering around unknown destinations
The rain keeps pouring
I question my decisions

My brain tells me I should die
Nevertheless my heart doesn't want to
The truth hides beneath the lies and thoughts
Time flies quickly and I still am not sure
If I am right or wrong

The journey to healing is long and hard
Among people overwhelmed by darkness
Living in long-term sadness
There's light, it hides deep in our souls

The liquid pours into the hole
It's where I am stuck, the light is hidden
The clouds refuse to show the sun
It might never end, or will it?

Waiting here sitting next to a tree
Cars pass and raise the drops
No one can see the fights in my head
My head telling me I should be dead

Even the surroundings don't notice
Something might be not right
And the drops keep drizzling down
How did I let this happen?
How did I end up here?

The tree branches I have hurt and broken,
It's a metaphor for my heart,
The words dark and unspoken
I have to mend myself
There's no person who can heal me

I don't know what to do or how to feel
My past hunts me from every side
I don't want to commit suicide
So why is my mind telling me
I should die?

There's nobody to tell me it's okay
Only the trees with shattered branches
My inside is launching more oceans

And yet I decided my fate
If others can climb out of this abyss so can I
I have a mother, a father, people who love me
Sometimes it's a struggle to remember
You're not alone

The weather persists still, there might be a storm
The sun's rays will still form
The path to healing is long and hard
It takes time for the clouds to reveal the sun
The drops are loud, they won't stop falling,
The dark doesn't carry on forever

As the rain becomes stronger
A storm forms in me
It strikes the trees
The world is on fire
The water cannot stop it
I sit next to the burning tree
Watching my past burn

When it turns into ashes
The old me returns to their grave
I can't cut the chains yet
I'll wait for the flames to burn them.

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