Chapter 2

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TW: Gore, blood, Swearing??

Shigaraki POV:

Finally I'm home, a long day. Although I made a new friend. Dabi is a bit mad though. I can't wait to tell mum about him. She always has been worried I didn't have many friends. I arrive home. "Hey mum I'm home." I shouted in. "Hello my favourite boy." She always talked to me like this. "You will never guess what mum?"I was so excited to tell her I had a new friend."What is it kiddo?" She always sounded so happy. I made a new friend today." The look on her face was shock mixed with happiness, it was really funny. "Oh my gosh, what's their name?" You could tell she was excited. "Oh his name is Toya Todoroki!" Her smile kinda went smaller. "Like Endevors kid?" I paused, I didn't actually know. "Huh, probably." She was still happy but not like before. "Okay tell me more about him." She was as happy as she was before now. "Well he is really.... Angry when you first meet him, but he gets nicer when you talk to him. Oh yeah he has a really cool quirk, its blue flame, he showed me and he set off the fire alarm" She laughed at that. "Really, you seem to know a lot about him already. "I nodded. "I guess so." We both laughed at this. "I'm gonna go upstairs before dad comes home okay." My dad, well he isn't the best of people. He used to hit me when I was a kid. He sometimes still does, but only when he's drunk. Which is usually. He does the same to mum sometimes, I feel really bad for her. You never really know what mood he is going to be in when he comes home. Whether it would be drunk or happy I still love him. Today was one of those unfortunate days, do you ever just get those gut feelings that something is going to happen, well that was why I was so nervous in art.If you couldn't guess he was drunk. When he came in my mother smiled and said hello but in return he slapped her across the face. I heard my mum whine in pain. I was debating whether to go and help her or stay away. We had always been too scared to contact the police. I had decided to go downstairs and help mum. I could hear him beating her from the stairs. I walked down and tried to talk to my dad and get him to stop. He turned around and slapped me, I blocked his arm the second time. I was so scared so I accidentally decayed his arm a bit. We all stood there in shock and then we saw blood, muscle and bone tissue. I can't remember much after that although I do remember my dad punching me until I was bleeding. He has lopsided my arm and snapped my fingers. I was laying on the floor defenceless, my mother tried to push him away but he kept on punching me. One punch after another until finally he had knocked me out. There was blood everywhere. I was on the floor not moving an inch. He was finally done with me and mum was on the phone with 999. They had an ambulance and police on their way. The next thing I remember was laying in a hospital bed next to Dabi who was crying.

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