Chapter 7

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TW: language

Dabis POV:

Tomura was over my house again a couple of days later. No one is home so its just us in the house. We are laying in my bed and I gave him a small kiss on the cheek. It was a pretty warm night so I didn't have a top on as you do. I looked at the clock and saw it was getting late.

"God it's late." I yawned. "You look pretty tired." I chuckled telling him that.

"Yeah I am that's why." He said with a small laugh at the end.

"Do you wanna go to sleep?" He nodded in response. We both layed back on the bed and he fell asleep almost as soon as his head hit the pillow. I was playing with his hair and gave him a small kiss on the lips before I also lied down and fell asleep on his chest.

Tomura POV:

I wake up feeling dabi stroking my hair. It was pretty early. It was around 07:00.

"Morning, you were asleep so I didn't wanna wake you." He chuckled. He still also looked quite tired.

"Yeah it's okay don't worry. How long have you been awake for?" He was thinking for a moment before responding.

"Not long." I look at the clock.

"Do you always get up this early?" How dose he get up so early on weekends. 7AM. Well  suppose if I had an 8 year old brother it would be a force of habit.

"I dunno actually." He still looks really tired.

"You look tired." I mean he never didn't look tired but today he looked more tired than usual.

"Aren't I always?" He laughed.

"Yeah I guess so." I  also laughed. He leaned down and kissed my forehead making me blush a bit.

"Goodness your always blushing when I kiss you aren't you?" I hid my face a bit.

"What me no never." He rolled his eyes

"Gaslighting me now are we??" I looked at him roll his eyes.

"Hey! If you keep rolling your eyes maybe you'll find a brain good enough for humanitys back there." I laughed and he did one of those fake hurt faces.

"Agressive much we are this morning love?"

"Heyyyyyy its not my fault that you woke me up at 7AM this morning?"

"Okay I will give you that here drink this I made it earlier when I woke up. Although it may be a bit cold." He handed me a mug of lukewarm coffee,.

"Thanks but I'm not big on coffee, I prefer tea myself" I put the mug on his bedside table.

"Your loss more for me." I rolled my eyes.

"Roll your eyes far enough and you'll be able to find a brain for math back there." He said emphisising it a bit too much but I ignored it. We both knew I was a retard in math. I always ended up with E's and F's.

"Whatever idiot your lucky I love you." He laughed.

"Alright whatever nerd." I gave him a kiss.

We should proberbly get up." He advised. A few seconds later we hear his little brother Shoto, burst into his room jumping up on his bed hugging him. I chuckled. "Hey!!! Shoto get off me or I'll tell mum your the onr who broke her lamp." Shoto jumped off and ran out of the room.

"Hes so cute."

"Not at 7Am he isnt. anyway we should get up."

"Awhhh 5 more minuets pleeeeeeeease."

"Okay fiiiiiiine I guess a few more minutes wouldn't hurt." He snuggled back into me and I gave him a kiss on the lips that he returned and that turned into a makeout session.

"Okay now we can get up." I said out of breath

"Awhh but I wanna have more kisses." He pleaded.

"You were the one who wanted to get up."

"Okay fiiiine." We both got up and changed.

Heyyyy yalll just wanted to say nearly at 100 views so can you share this story but sorry its been a slow start but it will get better I hope lol. 655 words in the story as well lol

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