Chapter 8

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TW: SA, Swearing maybe ;)

Tomura's pov

Finally my mum stops pestering me and Dabi so we can actually talk. we are having yet another sleepover. I turned to Dabi who seemed to be on his phone a little more stressed than usual and I was pretty worried so I decided to ask him.

"Hey Dabi, you seem a little stressed is everything okay?" Maybe something happened so I decided to not pressure him to tell me.

"I'm fine." He told me quite bluntly.

"Are you sure you seem a little upset?"

"I'm fine shut up about me being stressed cause I'm not, your just paranoid." He seemed a little more angry with me now so I decided not to push him.

"Okay, promise you'd tell me if something went wrong?" He nodded in response and I cuddled into him.

Dabi's pov:

Shit he's onto me. I was never good at staying calm when I was stressed or upset but I really don't want Tomura to stress. The truth is my younger brother, even though he is very annoying I care about him, He's in the hospital and I'm worried. I haven't been told why, no one's replying to my texts and i'm scared. When Tomura cuddled me I felt what I can only describe as feeling heavy. Like I had some sort of weight on my shoulders that isn't going away. I stared down at him. I had a huge growth spurt so I was pretty tall and I was way taller than Tomura. None of my clothes fit me anymore. I played with Tomura's hair for a while before I was gonna tell him what had happened. 



"there is something I'm not telling you." He looked like he was about to die and I could hear his heart beating. I chuckled. "Don't worry, I'm not breaking up with you just promise you wont worry yeah?"

"Oh Jesus thank god." He said holding his chest and he laughed. "I won't worry I promise."

"So... Uhm my brother-" He cut across me mid-sentence.


"Yeah, He's in the hospital." I felt tears in my eyes and I gave Tomura a nervous smile.

"Why?" I shrugged.

"No ones replying to my texts."

"Do you wanna go see him?"

"I don't know what room he's in?"

"Ask the people in the reception then?" I nodded.

"Okay, you coming? My brother loves you." He chuckled and nodded. we hopped out of his bed before he grabbed a hoodie for himself and I grabbed my coat that was way to small for me and we walked downstairs.

"Where are you boy's going so late? His mum asked us.

"We gotta go see Dabi's brother mum. He's in the hospital and Dabi's kinda concerned." His mother nodded.

"Guessed so. I heared off Dabi's mum. Can you give these to him sweetie." She handed Tomura a box of chocolate. "They are for Shoto, tell him I hope he gets well soon." She gave Tomura a small kiss on the cheek.

"Okay mum, see you later." We said goodbye to Tomuras mother before leaving. We rushed into the hospital soaking wet and walked into the reception.

"Good evening what can I do for you boys." The Receptionist asked.

"Uhm you couldn't tell us what room Shoto Todoroki is in could you?" I asked nervously.

"Of course I can, whats your relationship with the patient?"

"Oh I'm his brother." She nodded and typed something up on the computer.

"Right a nurse will show you to his room now." Soon enough a short skinny young nurse walked out. She was no older than 20. She had blonde hair and she had blue eyes. She walked over to us and told us her name was Mary and she would show us to Shoto's room.

"Hello boy's, I will be escorting you around to make sure you don't get into any mischief." We chuckled with her before she started leading us out of the room. I noticed she kept on staring at Tomura but I ignored it. "So boy's why do you need to see Shoto?" For some reason I felt jealous. Before Tomura had time to respond I shot back at her.

"He's my brother, he's sick and I would like to see him." She chuckled.

"Okay right this way. It's quite a long walk mind." I nodded and saw her staring at Tomura again. I grabbed Tomura's hand and we continued walking. Soon Mary came to stand by us. "So you, the pretty one." She said to Tomura clearly flirting with him. I saw Tomura looking pretty uncomfortable but he looked.


"Whats your name?" She asked shuffling slightly closer to him.

"My name's Tomura." He said he before he shuffled closer to me.

"Well that's a cute name for such a cute boy." This made my blood boil.

"We should hurry as quickly as we can." I said before I walked faster.

"Oh but whats the hurry? I was just getting to know Tomura a little better. I know you can't help not being able to look as cute as he can." The insult didn't make me angry, the fact she was making Tomura upset made me angry.

"Piss off." I said before we walked into an elevator.

"What I'm not wrong am I babe?" She said obviously asking Tomura. This made me rage and a small fire ignited in my hand but I soon put it out when the elevator stopped.

"I would prefer it of you didn't call me that." Tomura told her. We walked into the room Shoto was in and I dropped everything and ran over to Shoto holding him tight and I didn't let go. I was so happy that Shoto was I had completly forgotten about Tomura and that nurse. I asked my mum where they went since they werent in the room anymore. She pointed to the door.

"One second Shoto, let me find Tomura his mum bought something for you." I said before rushing out.I rushed all over the place searching for him shouting his name. "Tomura? Tomura where are you?" I called out before I heared small muffled calls for help. I rushed into the room that it was coming from before seeing this stupid nurse with her hands all over Tomura who was now sobbing, He was shouting for help biting her. She just shut him up by kissing him. I felt every inch of my body want to scream at her. But I didn't. Instead I did something unimaginable. I grabbed her by the throat with crazy looking eyes before holding her by the collar and I slammed her head Into the wall. She screamed out for help but no one heared.

"Dabi stop!" I heared Tomura call out to me. "Please stop!" His begs were ignored by the screams of the nurse I stopped hurting her for a while and told her.

"Don't touch or come near me or my boyfreind ever again. Or next time I won't stop." She nodded.

"I promise just let me go, please." I tossed her on the floor like a piece of rubbish. Tomura just looked at me before running to me thanking me.

"It's okay, don't worry come here." I wiped away a bit of smudged lipstick off his face. He hugged me so tight.

"Your the better kisser." He told me. I chuckled.

"Come on Shoto is gonna be waiting for us." We rushed out of the room into Shoto's room. Tomura gave the small box of chocolates to Shoto and eventually it was really late and Tomuras mum picked us up from the hospital and we left and had our sleepover.

 Anyway I will publish another chapter soon hopefully. There was 1264 words in this chapter. Finally a long one lol. Don't forge to vote love yall xx

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