chapter 23

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Hii guys. Back to school is ugh. But let's just write a chapter in my free time I thought so that's what I decided to do. Don't ask abt the picture of vector I thought it would be kinda funny. Anyway not a lot to say other than enjoy. Tw: Swearing This is a **Silly** chapter. It's meant to be funny.

Dabi's Pov:

Back to school today. I managed to have a comfortable night sleep. Somehow they haven't expelled me yet. Maybe it's cause I'm so strong and handsome. Okay enough flattery. I woke up at 7 am like any normal person got dressed and left at like 7:30. While walking I felt someone grab my shoulder. The hand was cold. I turned around hesitantly. I saw some stranger with a hood. He pulled me into an alleyway.

"Who's are you kid."

He had this Scottish accent. But it wasn't like unnoticeable it was a thick Scottish accent. He spoke like an old man but he wasn't older than 20. I couldn't make much of him out other than he was at least 6'0 ft and had clearly been inna few fights his life.

"Why should I tell you."

I'm obviously not as stupid as to reveal who I am to a total stranger just cause they are intimidating.

"Listen very closely. I have a lot of monet as long as you do one thing for me."

I looked at him awkwardly.

"If you're asking me if I'll send drugs somewhere then no."

He scoffed before speaking again.

"No not that. Look you're powerful. Powerful enough to be a hero. But I've heard that you've been to jail. So I doubt you'll even get to be a hero one day kid. Sorry to burst that dream. But I've got something better. What if you came with me. No school ever again. Just making the crime the hero's work so hard to defeat."

I looked at himnas if he was stupid. If he knew so much about me how didn't he know my father was a hero.

"As if. My father's the number 2 hero. He'd kill me."

"But he doesn't need to know its you. We could give you some secret identity. Like a cool villain suit and like make sure you look different. Or even better cover your face. Maybe that'll work better."

I shook my head.

"Sorry I'm not interested."

He looked slightly let down. But then a sinister smile spread on his face.

"Oh it wasn't a question. I've got everyone you love including your boyfriend and all your friends. Not to mention your family. All you need to do is do this one thing and you'll be free to see them again."

I looked at him before rolling my eyes.

"As if you could do that."

He showed me live footage of them all sat in some well dark room tied to chairs. I looked. Found Tomura, Shoto and Twice sat by eachother. I looked at him.

"That's not real?"

He nodded

"Now what you're gonna do is set fire to the house ik taking you to okay."

I nodded before he put his phone away.

"Good. Now follow me. I'll make sure you and your friends make it to school on time."

He pulled me out of the alleyway before we began to walk. He pulled his hood down to reveal him looking like Ed sheeran.

"Are you Ed sheeran?"

I asked him. He scoffed.

"Wasn't it obvious enough."

We soon arrived at some house. Ed pointed at it and said for me to set fire to it. I did as he told me. I watched as he had a smirk. Soon the house was burnt to a crisp.

"You're well strong. Where'd you learn that?"

"My dad. He teaches me a lot of things"

He smiled.

"Now let them go."

He nodded before he somehow teleported them to us and then telephoned everyone to school and everyone else where they needed to be. I was now stood in front of the gates of the school with Twice, Toga, Tomura, Takeyama, Atsuhiro and Akaguro. They all stared at me.

"What the fuck did you do!!"

Toga shouted in my face.

"I don't know. Ed sheeran did something."

They all laughed in my face.

"Ed sheeran?"

I heard Takeyama laugh.

"He is literally English, not Japanese. Grow up."

I just grumbled before Tomura practically jumped on me hugging me and showering me with kisses.

"I missed you"

He cried. I patted my back before me, Toga, Takeyama and Tomura headed to our lesson together. It was something like PE.

I hope yall liked this chapter. Not a lit to say other than hope you enjoyed and don't forget ti vote. 798 words x

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