Chapter 4

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AHHHHH This is the chapter I was excited to share with yall again srry for spelling errors and stuff like that. Pretty sure there is Swearing and stuff like that so TWWWWW. This one is a short one again but it is pretty exciting I think. I THINK. But yeah that's all from me and I hope you enjoy this chapter x.

Dabi's Pov:

Shigaraki is finally out of the hospital and I'm always over his house helping out with random shit. Finally after a couple of weeks he is home and I will confess my love to him. (This may get really cheesy lol srry in advance). Of course I am talking about asking him out. We decided to go out to the park with nothing that interesting.

*They arrive at the park*

"Do you need to sit down?" I was obviously being way too overprotective but still I need to protect him. "Yeah actually if you don't mind." Of course I really didn't mind. "Okay let's go find a bench or something." We found a bench and we sat down. I was just making small talk and I was about to ask him out. "Shigaraki, Hypothetically now but if I were to ask you out?" Wow that made it really obvious now well I'm done for may as well start digging my own grave. "I'm well.... I dont really know how to respond to that if that makes sense. But It would probably be a yes because I'm almost 100% sure." That made me laugh a bit... 100% almost sure that's  funny. I took a big deep breath in and decided to ask him. "Uhm... Shigaraki will you go out with...... Me....... I love you....... Romantically." I said it quickly and quietly preparing for rejection. I looked up at him and saw him blushing.

Sorry it's such a short chapter but yk can't be assed to wright a lot and also pre-writ it in a 5 minute break i had from working on math cause i was bored in school and sorry about the cliffhanger but you gotta do what you gotta do but I think we all know the answer. Anyways this chapter is about 391 words and I will publish the next chapter soon. Oh yeah also the only reason I'm updating so much is because I'm sick and off school X.

Just a bit of fun (Dabi X Shigaraki)Where stories live. Discover now