Chapter 5

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Shigaraki's POV:

Okay so holy fuck Dabi just asked me out is this a joke??!! Will he make fun of me what do I say?!!! "Is this a joke or some sort of sick joke your friends made you do?" I questioned him. "No it's not a joke I love you and I understand if you don't like me back because ever since I met you I have been a bitch to you that's just because I didn't know how to react to the feelings so I thought if I replaced those feelings with something else I would be happier but now I see that I should just tell you. I love you" So he feels the same way about me. Great. I was completely speechless. "Yes!" We are sitting in the park on a bench and an old couple is literally watching us. "Wait, really?" He seemed so happy. "Yeah, I was actually gonna ask you." I said with a small laugh at the end. "Really, you were gonna ask me, of all people you could have chosen, me out." I smiled and nodded. He kissed me. Like not on the cheek like a kiss kiss. I didn't hesitate to kiss back obviously. We were just sat on a park bench kissing. I didn't realise his hand positioning, his hand was on my neck but I just kinda wrapped my arms around his waist. This was a new experience for me I had never kissed anyone before. After a few seconds he pulled away and I was blushing a lot. "We should start heading back." He said clearly embarrassed at what he just did. "Yeah. we should." We both got up and started walking back to his house.

Sorry this chapter is so short but I will make longer chapters in the future I think I have like 2 more chapters before I will start kinda free writing this like not out of the book I originally wrote it in. Also I have started writing a backrooms fanfic so you can go and check that out. There will be smut later on in the book but we gotta have some character development because that is necessary things to live in life but yeah thats all from me for now and I will publish more soon

Just a bit of fun (Dabi X Shigaraki)Where stories live. Discover now