Chapter 18

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Hey guys. So I know I said I'd be updating more often but I'm being lazy and sometimes I just can't be assed. I will spam write some now then schedule them to publish so yall can stay updated but I just am gonna wing it this chapter. TW: Swearing,

Dabis POV:

I'm laying in bed bored out of my mind. There is nothing to do. Like seriously nothing. Worst part is I can't go out and socialize for like a week so that sucks. I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard the house door slam open and shut. 

"Where the fuck is he!"

I heard my fathers loud shout. I peeked out of the door. I honestly didn't care. It couldn't get much worse tan what mum had done.

"Toya get your ass in front of me now before I slap that stupid smirk off your face!"

I just stopped smirking and walked down.


"Oh don't you 'what' me! You are in big trouble."

"Surprise surprise. Couldn't have guessed."

I heard him scoff.

"Don't use that sarcasm or you'll get it worse understand."

I rolled my eyes.

"Okay just get it over with."

"Do you understand how badly this could've affected my career. Let alone yours. I could've lost my job. And how dare you run away from police and wasting their time. You disgust me. Go to your room. I can't even look at you anymore"

I rolled my eyes walked out then went to bed.

Tomura's POV:

As soon as I walked in my mother was stood by the door extremally worried.

"Tomura. What were you thinking. You could've ended up in jail. Please don't scare me like that again my baby."

She just hugged me. I kept on thinking about how much trouble Dabi was in and we got away with a crime. My mother doesn't even care I've committed a crime she's just happy I'm safe. I just stood with no words. She soon let go and just let me go to my room. I sat on my bed on my phone. Dabi obviously had his phone taken away, Twice and Toga were together in her apartment. Takeyama hasn't said anything and Atsuhiro and Akaguro were still fucking about somewhere else. Nothing was said for a while.

Toga's POV:

Me and Twice are in my apartment. I have a feeling he isn't going home any time soon.

"Toga. Why do you live on your own?"

A question not even I was expecting.

"Well, my parents didn't want me. I mean they thought I was a little odd. Since you know I love blood and stuff. They got me this apartment a bunch of money to live off until I get a job. And yeah."

He nodded.


We were laying in my bed just staring at the tv that was playing something in he background. Before I knew it I heard my alarm for the morning. I jolted up.

'Shit, I slept in.'

I thought to myself before grabbling my school clothes ten saw Twice still asleep. I threw a small stuffed animal at him.

"Get your ass up we're gonna be late!"

He sat up quickly.

"Oh shit yeah."

I watched him get up. We walked out and had a sort of even pace. Well he did. I had small legs s I had rush a bit to catch up. We soon got to school. 10 minutes late. But hey, its better than not coming at all.

"Where the hell have you two been, I've been waiting for 10 minutes."

Of course Takeyama was the first one to find us. We soon found everyone else.

"Yeah sorry we slept in."

I heard Akaguro make a snarky comment about us sleeping together or something. We soon had to leave for lesson's. Everyone parted way's apart from me and Dabi. We had English together.

Hi guys, sorry for the sudden ending I just couldn't think of anything else. Not me listening to my Fnaf playlist while writing Mha Fanfics lol. Anyway I hope yall like this chapter, I know it wasn't too long but that was t obe expected. Anyway 674 words, Don't forget to Vote and stay updated for future parts x.

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