Chapter 15

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Not a lot to say other than enjoy this chapter. as you can tell I have been trying to update daily lol. It might be I'll publish once or twice a week because I'm quite busy lol. Anyway TW: Swearing

Dabis Pov:

I got released from the hospital 2 days later. turns out I wasn't that badly injured other than a split ear that they had covered up and stitched up. I went home with a broken nose a cut on my head but nothing worse than that really. They said that I should just go back t normal do my everyday things like school going out. It was the middle of a Friday when they let me leave. I went home with Shoto and mum. Shoto didn't go to school because he wanted to be with me when I got let out to make sure I was okay. Which was quite cute in my opinion. I got in the car sitting next to Shoto's car seat while mum strapped him in.

"What was it like sleeping in the hospital?"

I laughed a bit when Shoto asked this.

"It wasn't much different from home really?" 

I watched as he nodded and sat back in his seat.

"Shoto has been very excited to see you out of the hospital Dabi?"

My mum told me. I laughed before teasing Shoto.

"Oh really. Were you worried about me?"

Shoto nodded. The rest of the ride was pretty quiet. We got into the house. While I walked in Shoto insisted he held my hand to make sure I didn't fall. I laughed and he grabbed my hand. We walked in where Fuyumi and Natsuo who just stood in the kitchen watching me. I smiled at them before Shoto run by them jumping up to Natsuo. Natsuo just laughed.

I went up to my room and the first thing was go on my phone since I hadn't in a few day's. What I wasn't expected to be greeted by is millions of messages from different people saying 'Is this you?' I looked at the video's sent to me and saw the video of getting my ass kicked. I had to respond with a simple 'yes'. Soon they all messaged me things like 'Omg are you okay what happened?' And honestly I don't think I was in the wrong for not wanting to sit in the seating plan next to that fatty I was supposed to sit by so yo know? I just left everyone on read before going into the groupchat of me, Tomura, Akaguro, Toga, Atsuhiro, Twice and Takeyama.

I messaged. 'I'm coming tomorrow.' I still hadn't told them I was out of the hospital. Tomura and Toga were the first ones to respond. Toga responded with 'But you're still in the hospital?' Stupid bitch I always knew it. 'Oh my gosh I'm so happy that you can come!' Tomura responded with. Twice got on and told Toga 'You dumb bitch he's obviously home since he didn't have his phone idiot.' She just responded with 'God my apologies for not clocking on earlier' I laughed at that message before putting my phone down. I put on my TV and went on my amazon prime looking for something to watch. I wasn't sure what to watch until I came across a good looking animated series. It was an 18 but it looked pretty innocent. I pressed play and saw the intro to the Hazbin hotel. I sat there for about 3 hours binging it. At the end I just turned my TV and picked up my phone to message the groupchat. 'Has anyone else watched Hazbin Hotel on Amazon prime?' And obviously Toga had, it was Toga coded. Surprisingly Takeyama got forced to by Toga and she actually watched it so that's cool. Nobody else had watched it so I just recommended it. I put down my phone. After making an effort to make friend's. I soon fell asleep watching Daz play horror games.

Hey guy's sorry for the short chapter pretty sure the next one will be a bit longer. I hope you all Enjoyed. 686 words. Don't forget to vote xx.

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