Chapter 13

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Heyy guys. I have no plan for this chapter it'll just be bit of a mess before I tidy it up. But I will go as fast as I can bcs I dunno.......... I know we haven't had much of Tomura but we'll like. Yeah anyways Enjoy xx. TW: Violance, Swearing, Threatning, Blood

Dabis Pov:

Me and Toga were walking to lesson. I knew she was staring at me. I don't know whether it's because she's obsessing over me or because I am pouting like a child.

"Are you seriously pouting because your phone got taken off you."

"Shut up."

She just laughed at me. We ended up getting to our lesson.

"I can tell you aren't exited for science."

I just grunted at her as we waked in. I stared at the board seeing we had another new fucking seating plan.

"For fucks sake."

I said under my breath. Toga looked at me.

"What are you looking at?"

She rolled her eyes before looking at the board and sitting down at her seat. I looked at the board and saw that I had to sit by some fucking idiot. I didn't sit in my seat instead I went and sat by Toga.

"You aren't supposed to sit here?"

She said quietly.

"I mean unless you wanna be sitting by speccy speccy four eyes I suggest you shut the fuck up."

She raised an eyebrow.

"I swear a lot when I'm mad."

"No I was thinking of the name."

"Oh come on everyone call's him that."

She just stared at me unimpressed before she looked t the front. She was sat further in the back and I was directly in front of the teacher so I moved next to her. That kid that was supposed to sit by Toga walked up to me.

"Hey that's my seat."

I just scoffed at him.

"Just go sit where I usually sit."

"Won't the teacher notice-"

I interrupted him mid sentence

"Look if you don't want me to kick your ass go sit where I sit and I'll leave you alone."

He nodded before rushing to my seat.

"Jeez no wonder you're a loner."

Toga told me.

"What did you just call me!"

"I- Nothing. Jesus."

I rolled my eyes before grabbing my book out of my bag and a pen.

"Your handwriting is crap. I hope you know that."

I glared at her.

"You don't think I know that bitch!"

She just rolled her eyes.

"It looks like a preschoolers writing. Sort it out."

I huffed before I finished writing the date and stuff. I heard the teacher call out to me.

"Dabi! Why are you sitting over there you know you sit in front of me."

I saw four eyes telling her something.

"Fuck off you ugly bitch."

I told her.

Silence. Total silence.

Just a bit of fun (Dabi X Shigaraki)Where stories live. Discover now