Chapter 22

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Hi my luvs, This chapter will be short. Sadly I cannot write because my brain isn't functioning. Anyway not a lot to say but enjoy :) TW: nothing

Shigaraki's POV:

I am worried sick about Dabi. I mean, is he okay. What if something happened to him? Is he homesick? Why isn't his mother picking him up? Should I go instead of her? I need to calm down. He will be okay, right? I was hiding under the covers of my bed when I heard my door creak open. It was pretty late so I was pretty scared to say the least. I peered up  over my blanket and saw my mother.

"Hiya baby. Shouldn't you be asleep?"

She asked in the same caring manner she always had.

"Yeah I should but I just can't sleep. I'm worried about Toya. I mean, what if something has happened to him?"

My mother sat down on the edge of the bed.

"You have nothing to worry about baby. You just go to sleep, I'm sure he'll be fine."

She told me before giving me a kiss on the forehead and pulling the blanket over me. I soon fell asleep after she left. I didn't have any dreams. It was just a blank void of nothingness. I woke up a few hours later. I was freezing cold since my blanket was on the floor. I got up to go to the bathroom. I slid my hand across the wall while attempting to find the light switch to the bathroom. I eventually found it. I did my business and waddled my way back to my room doing the same as before, dragging my hand along the wall. I got back to my room. I laid down in the bed waiting to fall asleep.


















The ticking of the clock started to piss me off. So I grabbed my phone and watched tiktok. I guess I scrolled for so long I ended up completely passing out from being so tired. I remember sleeping for hours until I got awoken by my alarm clock. I sat up and turned the alarm clock off before getting ready for school.

Dabi's POV:

Spending the night in a jail cell wasn't as bad as you'd think. The beds weren't just metal boards, they had mattress', and it was warmer than I anticipated. I thought it would be exactly like the movies where it was a cold, damp room with no light apart from a small window way too high to reach. I thought it would be bare with but mere tally marks to represent how long the last person here was. But no, it was warm, warmer tan you'd expect. But maybe that's because my body heat made up for it. Teenager's were friendly, not the little shit's you'd normally see. They'd have a conversation with you. To be honest I felt like these people liked me more than my father. I mean he never really liked me too much because Shoto was his little angel child where as I was the ugly forgotten baby. But I would soon make a come back, we'll just have to wait. I was laying on the bed until a guard came to the cell door.

"Hey! Kid wake up!"

I sat up looking at him.

"Your mother is here to pick you up."

I stood up before he dragged me along to an elevator. I was still in handcuffs to leave. While getting dragged into the elevator I looked into a mirror. I looked at myself in the silly orange jumpsuit and my hair looked like it hadn't been brushing since Adam and Eve. I walked out to the main area where I saw my mother holding Shoto in her arms. I watched as Shoto jumped out of her arms and bolted over to me grabbing my legs.

"Hey ma'am get your little brat off him."

I looked at the officer with a look that could kill.

"Don't speak to my mother or family like that again."

He scoffed, releasing my arms. I grabbed Shoto into my arms cuddling him. I walked out with Shoto and mum. We got to the car and my mum burst into tears.

"Are you okay?"

She looked at me before hugging me tightly.

"When you get home, get in the shower, you stink."

She told me.

"Is that why you're crying or-"

She cut me off saying.

"No, I'm crying because I missed you. My baby, I'm so sorry I left you in jail."

I smiled before giving her a little pat on the head.

"I'm okay. Don't worry."

She soon started to calm down and we left.

Heyyy, I finally gave Tomura some time lol. Anyway finally our baby is out of jail, baby Shoto is just too precious tbh. Anyway hope you enjoyed, don't forget to vote x Words: 784

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