Chapter 25

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Hiii. Okay so I know I've said this too much but I promise I will start uploading a bit more consistently. Its nearly the summer holidays in Britain so I'll have more time to do it then. Maybe like once a week. Anyway there isn't much else other than enjoy. Tw:

Dabi's POV:

I looked over at the after I heard it open and I saw Tomura and Toga walk in, Toga was bouncing in exictment. I watched as they both sat by me. We had a new maths teacher because the other teacher was also a science teacher and an art teacher so he went for science instead of maths. We were allowed to sit wherever we wanted to until he made a seating plan. Tomura sat next to me and Toga sat by Tomura so we were in a line. I looked at them. Toga and Tomura both looked over at me.

"We'll tell you what happened later"

Tomura whispered to me. I was acctually amazing at maths..... Unlike Tomura who just copied off me. Apparently he only got 13% on his last maths test. I have no idea how he got into my class but I'm not complaining. I nodded and he smiled at me. Soon the teacher finished explaining and Tomura looked like he was about to cry. I looked at him and laughed a bit. Everyone was talking amongst themselves.

"So what happened?"

I was very curious on what had happened.

"So at lunch Miss George has invited us to come and play badminton for the school league."

When I say my jaw dropped at the news Tomura had just told me. I watched them as they both laughed at me.

"What.... You're leaving me at lunch"

He laughed and rolled his eyes.

"It'll be like half an hour. Plus break is next so we cam talk then"

He put his hand on my leg under the table. I rolled my eyes and laughed. He smiled at me. I looked down at whatever we were doing and so did Tonura and Toga but not without looking like they were about to cry. I started doing it easy work and after I finished they both started copying me. I sat quietly staring at the front while Tomura still had his hand on my legs slowly moving it up and down. I stared at the front daydreaming for a while until they finished.

"Hey Dabiiiii"

I heard Toga begin whining over nothing


She giggled

"So I know your grounded but can you come out with me tonight everyone else had said no and Tomura said he'd come if you did"

I grumbled.

"And just how am I supposed to do that if I'm grounded and can't leave the house."

She gave me a smile.

"Well.... You could just.... Not go home?"

I raised an eyebrow.

"And why would I do that to just cone out. And plus I gotta babysit Shoto tonight."

She gave me a fake pouty face.

"Well he could always come with usssss."

I rolled my eyes.


I watched as she clapped her ands in delight. I heard the teacher shout at us.

"Tomura, Dabi, Toga. Need I remind you break is next. Get on with your work."

We all quietened down after that. I pulled my bag up on my lap and texted my mother. The text went something like this, 'Mum can you bring Shoto to school after he's finished I wanna take him down the park after.' She just gave me a thumbs up. Soon I heard the bell go for break.

"Okay guys pack up, I'll see you all next lesson"

I grabbed all my stuff and stood up. Tomura grabbed my hand and we walked together.

"Hey Toga. You go ahead and find everyone I need to talk to Dabi."

She nodded and ran off. Tomura pulled me into the boys bathrooms. I was slightly confused until he decided to push me into a stall and I figured out I had done something wrong. Until he didn't say anything. I was quite a lot taller than him so I looked down at him. He pulled me down and I smirked.

"What are you Horny or something?"

I said with a chuckle at the end and his face went bright red. I laughed.

"I'm joking. Chill out."

I watched as he gave me a slow passionate kiss. I didn't hesitate to kiss back obviously. I kicked the door shut that he widely left open. He pushed me down onto the toilet which had a lid on. I looked up at him as he sat on top of me. I looked at him and I was about to say something but he shushed me and put a finger over my lips before he unbuttoned my top button and gave me kisses all down my neck. That for sure woke me up.

"W-what're you doing"

I said quietly. He just looked up at me and let out a low laugh. I couldn't lie I found it quite attractive. I swallowed and he began kissing my neck again. He left a big hickey on the side of my neck and then the bell went off. He gave me a kiss on the cheek before he got up fixed my hair and walked out of the stall. I did my top button up again, sitting in shock. I got up and walked to the mirror. No one was in the bathroom so I didn't look fruity sorting my hair and splashing my face with water trying to get the big red blush off my face. When I looked in the mirror again I saw the big hickey on full display. Only half of it was covered by my  top. I prayed to god I could find Toga. I took a deep breath and took a step out of the bathrooms with a huge crowd of people. I found Toga walking. I grabbed her bag.

"Toga.... Do you have any..... Any makeup on you?"

She looked at me and laughed.

"No but I know Takeyama does. Why?"

I sighed.

"Go and get her now"

She looked at me suspiciously before she took one look at the massive hickey on my neck and nodded.

"Jesus... He attacked you. Fucking hell. I'll go get Takeyamas stuff I'll be back. Wait in the bathroom in the meantime. No one is in there right?"

I nodded

"No one. And thank you. You're a lifesaver."

She nodded before running off. She took about 5 minutes but she came back.

"Have you got it?"

She nodded.

"Okay undo your top button"

I did as I was told and she began trying to hide it. About 6 minutes later she finished.

"Okay. That's the best I'm gonna be able to do. If anyone asks why your skin is a bit purple say I jabbed you with a pin. Okay?"

I nodded. She skipped off happily. I began to walk to my next lesson.

Okayy. So this chapter took a slight turn but its fiiiine. Anyway, I hope yall enjoyed this chapter. It's finally a longer one. 1.2k words. Don't forget to vote x x

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