Chapter 21

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I'm writing this in a play area so I'm sorry if it takes a while it's shit wifi. I will hopefully be publishing more but no promises. Anyway.... Enjoy. Tw:Swearing

Dabi's Pov:

Okay. So now I'm sitting in the back if a fucking cop car. Great. I've also been informed I will be spending the night in jail because my mother is refusing to pick me up. Lovely. So what now. I'm being watched like a hawk. And as if anything couldn't get any worse everyone was just staring at me. Or what felt like everyone. We soon arrived at the police station.

"Stand there"

I was ordered. I stood awkwardly in the spot. They handed my the thing you take mugshots with.

"We're taking mugshots. Make sure you don't look weird okay."

I stood awkwardly while they took mugshots. I knew it would look bad anyway. They finished with that and tossed me into a jail cell. I made my way over to the bed and just sobbed. I didn't move or anything. I just curled in a ball crying. I don't know why. Maybe I was homesick or something. But I just cried. I cried for hours and hours until someone told me to shut up. I looked around and saw a guard.

"Other people are trying to sleep you know. Just grow up? You signed up for this when you became a murderer okay. Stop crying or I'll stop it for you."

He rolled his eyes before walking off. I cried silently until it was lights out. I fell asleep crying...... I woke up the next morning my eyes red and swollen from crying so much. We were all in one hall eating. Some kids about the same age as me practically dragged me over to them.

"It's another overnighter"

I looked at them confused. They all spoke in a hushed tone.

"Why have you dragged me over here?"

They all looked at me.

"Trust me. You want to speak to someone when you're here. Well apart from the guards. But still.... You getting picked up? Why are you here? My name is Nick by the way."

"Oh... Uhh I'm Dabi. My mum is picking me up, hopefully. And I'm here cause I killed my teacher."

I watched their Jaws drop in shock

"You killed your teacher?"

Another boy piped up

"Yeah.... Like. I didn't mean to."

They all stared in disbelief.

"Anyway why are you guys in here? You all seem innocent enough."

"I committed arson"

I heard Nick say.

"You're my kind of guy. Arson. Cool. I mean I have a fire quirk so that happens too often."

He smiled at me. I watched as guards took us back to cells.

Hiii. Short chapter sorry. I had bad writers block. I don't know what to do now? If yall have Aby suggestions please tell me I'm well stuck on what to write. Anyway 495 words. Don't forget to vote x

Just a bit of fun (Dabi X Shigaraki)Where stories live. Discover now