Chapter 17

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Heyyyyy..... I know it's been ages and I couldn't be assed to write. Anyway I'm gonna try and pick back up on writing cause its half term next week and I wanna be writing as much as possible so I can schedule anyway I hope yall enjoy this chapter.

Tomura's POV:

That was the most terrifying thing...... Like imagine having like 6 pro hero's chasing. Scary. But we didn't die thanks to Toga. I mean if she wasn't here we'd all either be in jail or dead... Maybe that's a bit dramatic but still. But here we are. Sitting in an alleyway eating smurf gummies.

"Is everyone okay?"

I heard Takeyama ask. As always se was being protective and worrying. Everyone was fine surprisingly.

"Anyway it's getting late I should be going."

Twice actually spoke in a less arrogant way for once. Then Himiko started speaking.

"Yeah I'm gonna go with Jin."

I saw Twice give her a look of death.

"What did you just call me?"

Everyone knew he hated being called that. Well his real name. That's why he wanted to be called Twice. It's his quirk. He can duplicate things. I'm not too sure how it works but I think he needs to know exactly how the person is for him to make them.

"What? Did I do something wrong."

Himiko looked slightly worried then Akaguro joined.

"Toga it's kinda like when someone calls you Himiko..... They just don't do it. That's why you prefer Toga just like Twice prefers Twice."

He was speaking to her like she was a child. She rolled her eyes.

"Okay I'll remember next time."

I watched her and Twice walk off as Twice just stared her down. Soon enough they started to talk. Later I found out that they went back to Toga's apartment. Her parents left her because she was a little demon apparently but she say's she's cool with it? I have no idea how she lives alone. But we continued to talk for a while until me and Dabi went back to his parents house. I suppose Twice and Dabi are similar. No one ever say's their real name's, like when I first met Dabi I always assumed that's his name but no his real name is Toya. We said goodbye to Akaguro, Atsuhiro and Takeyama before heading back. We were about 10 minutes away from Dabi's and I wanted to ask him something.

"Hey Dabi."


"Why do you not like being called your real name? Is it just because you prefer the name Dabi or is there a reason?"

He shrugged at me. He looked at me.

"I suppose I never really liked the name Toya. Unlike Twice. I have no idea why he doesn't like being called Jin but that's him?"

I just nodded and we kept on walking. It was about 8 o clock. We walked in and saw Shoto running right at us.

"You can't come here."

He said in the same little voice he always had.

"Why not. This is also my house."

Dabi said.

"Mummy is gonna shout at you guys...."

Dabi jus scoffed.

"And why is that?"

"Because you were on the news being chased by the hero's."

I looked at Dabi who looked annoyed.

"Don't worry Shoto just let us in."

Shoto shuffled out the way. We walked in and walked to the living room where Dabi's  mother practically dragged Dabi over to the couch. She then told me like a calm loving mother to sit next to him. The change in attitude was slightly concerning. She started screaming at Dabi and went on about 'Your father is a pro hero and you go out and steal from store's' and 'How could you drag your lovely boyfriend into this'  heard Dabi begin to talk.

"Mum it wasn't us who stole. It was Toga we just ran with her?"


"Mum....... Can you stop screaming thing's like that. We don't want Shoto copying you now do we?"

He said sarcastically. She looked at Shoto.

"Shoto baby, can you go in the other room get Fuyumi and tell her that mummy needs to have a serious talk with Dabi and you play with her okay."

Shoto just left without another word.

"Sorry about my idiot son dragging you into all of this Tomura."

She said with the same soft voice as she used with Shoto.

"Oh don't worry it wasn't really his fault."

"Now shouldn't you get home, I bet your mother is worried sick."

I just nodded taking that as 'There will be a lot of family drama just go home.'

"Do you want me to take you or are you okay with walking."

"I'll be fine"

I said before leaving after saying goodbye.

Dabi's POV:

As soon as my mother heard that door closed she was livid. 

"You had us worried sick you know! That poor boy is being dragged into your shenanigans isn't cool of you! And you better be ready for when your father comes home because it will be worse than me! Do you knowhow badly yo could've ruined your father's career!"

I just nodded.

"But mum you don't understand it was neither of us. It was Toga, and if she wasn't there I wouldn't be sitting here I'd be sitting in a cop car waiting for you to pick me up. You are lucky the hero had an open wound instead of being ungrateful about anything be grateful about everything. Or something like that. All I'm saying is.... everything is okay. I'm not hurt and nor are my friends."

I watched her glare hoping my words got to her.

"You're grounded. Don't try and talk me out, give me your phone. But first you can tell your friends you won't be speaking to them over the phone or going out. Now."

I groaned before doing so the handing my phone to her.

"Go to your room. Wait until your father gets home."

I left for my room before jumping into bed.

Hey guys, bit  of a long chapter for yall. Hope that this was a good chapter. Hoping there aren't grammar errors or nothing. But Yeah. 985 words. Don't forget to vote. Love yall x.

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