Chapter 9

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I can't think of a name for this chapter like I've chamged it bcs I just realised how stupid it looked. Finally found the charger to my laptop so I can write again. TW: Swearing, mention of blood

Dabi's Pov:

Me and Tomura had yet another sleepover. We went to see my brother in the hospital yesterday. We were laying in bed just talking. My parents. Well my mum are in the hospital with Shoto. My dad, Endevor, Number 2 hero is out fighting villains. I guess thats what he signed up for when he became a hero though. It was getting pretty late in the day and I knew I would have to go home soon.

Shigaraki's Pov:

Dabi interrupted our conversation and told me he had to go home. I didn't really mind that he had to go home. It was pretty normal for him to have to be home at a certain time. I waved him off when he left. II watched him walk off into the distance soon disappearing into the crowd. I went back inside since it was pretty cold out.

*Timeskip to the next day*

Dabi's Pov:

Waking up at 7am every morning on the weekday isnt ideal but you know. Gotta get to school. I mean now that me and Tomura are dating its better. Although there is this girl in a few of my classes. Toga I think her name is, she keeps on talking to me about how she wants my blood? She creeps me out. But still, I got changed and left. I arrived at the school gates where that girl was standing. Almost as if she was waiting for me. I tried walking past her but she wouldn't leave me alone.

"Hey Dabi, what have we got first lesson?"

She kept on asking me petty questions almost as if she wanted a conversation. What really pissed me off was the fact I as in EVERY single lesson with her. Because of the way our school worked we were divided into classes. there were those I were in with Tomura like history. And those I was in with Toga, like RE. Not like she wasn't in all my classes.


I replied flatly clearly not wantin anything to do with her.

"Did you know that sir has changed the seating plan?"

She didn't know how to stop taking I think.

"No and I don't care leave me alone."

English was one of those lessons I wasn't with Tomura for. In fact most of my lesson today were without him. Apart from history.

"Awh, C'mon you know you like me. Don't try and push me away. Lets be freinds. Maybe then school will be lss miserable for you."

I was annoyed at the fact she thought I thought school was miserable.

"Leave me alone Toga."

"You know my name?"

"Yes, why?"

"That's so kind of you."

I heard twice flagging me down. I rushed away from the psychopath of a girl and over to twice, my actual friend.

"Why you talking to her. You do realize she's a no friend freak? Plus she's like a murderer."

Twice was always coming up with stupid thins like that.

"Oh really and how do you know she's a murderer Twice?"

"I just do okay"

I just nodded sarcastically.

"Anyway have you seen Tomura?"

I asked Twice.

"Really you're replacing me with him? You do know he's like obsessed with you? Like he talks to people about how much he loves you."

I just stared angrily. Not at the fact that Tomura talked about me. More of the fact that he hadn't figured out we were dating.

"Whatever I'll just find him myself."

I said turning around angrily.

"Oh my god. You actually like him? I thought it was just out of pitty for making him cry."

"Shut the fuck up Twice, for once I have found someone I actually like and your being a total dick about it!"

I don't think I realized how loud I said that because a few heads turned.

"Yeah well at least I have a father that actually loves me!"

Everyone stared at Twice. Twice knew I had serious problems with my dad. And everyone else actually. I stared at him in disbelief that he actually had the guts to say that. I took a few steps towards him.

"Say that again. I dare you."

"At least I have a dad that loves me."

I was blinded by rage and punched him hard across the face. He glared at me before attempting a punch. I just dodged though.

"I always knew you couldn't do combat." 

I sad before hitting him with my blue flames. I watched him scream in agony and I just laughed at him. I heard Toga running up to us. I groaned.

"Wow that was so cool! I'm guessing that's your quirk?"

"Go away before I do the same thing to you."

I watched her skip off happily. I felt a sharp pain in my arm. I looked and saw that she hd cut me. Psycho bitch.

828 Words!! Not a lot will happen nxt chapter maybe :) hope you all liked this chapter and don't forget to vote x.

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