Chapter 6

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TW: Profanitys probs lol, idk atm what I'm writing cause i forgot what I was writing in the book cause its been so long lol

*Timeskip to 3 months later lol. dabi has now turned 16 3 weeks ago and shigaraki was already 16. Just thought I should fill you in lol*

Dabis POV:

Its been months since me and shigaraki started dating. I sit by him almost every lesson now. I'm so happy I have a person I can call my lover. Or my boyfriend, I don't know at this point. All I know is I love him. I'm really exicted for school to finish because Shigaraki is coming to my house later. (I really need to find a shorter name for Shigaraki. I might just start calling him Tomura lol). His father is still in jail because of him being abusive. I feel bad for Tomura but his dad deserved it. Its nearly the end of school and I can see that Tomura can tell I'm exicted. "Hey Tomura, still coming over mine???" I asked exictedly. I was so exicted because this is the first time he's come over my house. It was always down his house or down the park so I was very exicted.

"Yeah, I cant wait." He tells me clearly exicted also. The final bell soon went and we were walking back to my house. When we got there, no one was home because Endevor was working and mum was picking up Shoto from school. We walked in and we went up into my room. 

"Make yourself at home I guess. Sorry my room is suvh a mess my annoying little brother keeps on trashing it while playing X-Box." (Shoto is 8 rn lol). It was a mess. Not all Shotos fault though. Although he never dose take his dishes out. My room was the biggest mess ever, I had a huge pile of washing that hadn't been put away, socks sticking out of draws and loads of Shotos cups and dishes.

"Oh no it's fine my rooms a mess too haha." Tomura told me and that made me feel slightly better about myself.

"You can sit down you know that right." I told him with a small laught at the end. "I did wash my bedsheets last night so they don't stink." He laughed and sat down on my bed. "Soooo what do you wanna do?" I asked him, we were both kinda bored cause I didn't have a lot to do in my room because it was such a mess.

"I dunno." Tomura shrugged.

"Wanna watch YouTube?" I questioned laying down in my bed patting the spot next to me indicating Tomura to lie down next to me. I was just suggesting thing to do now..

"Sure why not." Tomura layed down next to me snuggling into my arms. We were just watching DazGames and snuggling. I kissed his forehead and he turns around nuzzling his face into my chest.

(Honestly when I read over the last bit it was so cringe I'm not even gonna put it so imma just change it lol. That's why it's so short lol.)

We continued watching dazgames for a while until he ended up falling asleep still cuddled into me.

End of chapter lol. took me 4 months to get back because I didn't have anywhere to write but look at me now on my sisters old laptop with decade old memes lol. Like "Look at all those chickens. Anyway I hope you enjoyed this chapter and it feels good to be back again . I will publish more soon (Maybe) 601 words, don't forget to vote xx

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