Chapter 10

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I've run out of Ideas for title names so they will just be titled chapter then number of chapter. If you haven't go back to the last proper chapter and re-read it I've changed it because I didn't like the original. This chapter will be mostly toga as well. I hope you know what her quirk is but if not here is a short explanation, Her quirk is transformation. However she needs the persons blood to be able to transform into them. I hope that made sense lol. Btw Akaguro is stain. TW: Mention of blood

Togas Pov:

Yes. Finally I have some of his blood. Imagine the fun I could have with this. I best keep it for a better suited time.

"Hey Toga!"

My Akaguro called out to me. He's one of my best friends,

"Hey Akaguro, how are you?"

I asked as cheerful as always

"Well you know when your in school nothing much can get better huh?"

I laughed in response to this. I heard the bell go signaling first period. I hope Twice is okay. I mean since we were pretty close friends. I waved at Akaguro before leaving for English. When I walked in sir did in fact change the seating plan. which was stupid considering there was nothing wrong with the old one. I searched for my name before finding it. I sat in my seat awaiting for who'd sit next to me. I watched Dabi walked in while he tried to put a plaster on where I cut him earlier. I watched him look up at the seating plan then at me. I heard him groan. I watched as he angrily shoved his bags beside me and sat down.

"Why are you pouting you look like a child."

I told him.

"Talk to me again and I'll kill you myself."

He sounded pretty grumpy. He was still struggling to put the plaster on.

"Want me to help with that?"

I let out an offering hand. He handed me the plaster. I put it on.

"Why did you even decide to cut me if you were going to help me you psyco?"

He asked me flatly.

"Well you see. I require this.... For an experiment...... Yeah."

I said obviously sounding suspicious.

"For some reason I don't believe that?"

I just shrugged. Soon the lesson began.


Around half way through the lesson the teacher asked us to pair up with the person next to us s we would be doing group work. I turned to Dabi who simply ignored me. I tried talking to him but he just ignored me. We started the work. But we didn't work together. We simply worked on our own waiting until we finished to combine it together and make one big project. I assumed. Well I was wrong we did it all on our own without working together. Which wasn't fun at all. I didn't get to say anything to him but we'll have to live with it. We went to our next lesson which was PE. We were all in one big hall together. Our PE teacher was kinda pervy though. He said to all of us quote on quote "I like watching sweaty kids run." That creeped us all out. But we let it slide. Nothing else really has happened but you know when someone gives off that vibe, yeah. We began PE which was annoying since we had to play dodgeball. All the boys grouped together and got on a team while us girls always lost. Well apart from this one girl in our class, Yu Takeyama. Which is weird because she's way older than us? But we got told she failed so many times that she needed to retake from our year group so she could continue on doing whatever she was doing with her life. Anyway all the boys grouped together. Takeyama however got all the balls on our side somehow and gave one to each and every one of us and told us to have one person from the other team each to target. Obviously I chose Dabi. So we all figured it out. Our PE teacher shouted at us to stop the chit-chat and to throw the balls. we did what we were told targeted the people we picked and surprisingly a lot of the boys aren't flexible and got out really fast. But a lot of our team got out. Well most of it. Now it was only me and Takeyama left. There were 4 boys left. That consisted of Dabi, Tomura and two other boys that I don't really know. They were all aiming for Takeyama as they should since se i the better dodgeball player. We managed to get the two other boys out now it was only me and Takeyama on the girls team and Dabi and Tomura on the other team. Tomura was also pretty bad at dodgeball but managed to get Takeyama out. It was more like a intense battle than a dodgeball game. I was dodging balls left and right and the boys finally ran out of balls I just threw a bunch of balls managing to get Tomura out and that left me and Dabi. I looked at him. He looked at me. I had no balls left. He had the advantage here. He was throwing the balls pretty fast pace. I was dodging them I tripped over my lace and faceplanted onto the floor. I got back up with a bloody nose. Dabi just looked shocked and while he was in that state of shock I grabbed a ball and lobbed it at him fast. I hit him and our team won. All the girls cheered for me and Dabi just looked annoyed. Takeyama Came over to me.

"Well done but you might wanna get that checked by the nurse."

She told me. I chuckled and nodded.

"Yeah I guess so. You mind coming with me?"

She nodded and helped me up before we went to see the nurse.

Everyone went and got changed while me and Takeyama sat in the nurses office. The nurse gave me a tissue and told me to tell her if I felt lightheaded at all. The nurse left for a while.

"You looked really stupid when you fell."

Takeyama told me wit a giggle.

"Really? I thought it was a good comeback for our team?"

I said clearly annoyed she thought I looked stupid.

"Awh, come on now don't be so frustrated that you've hurt yourself and made yourself look a bit silly. Next time do your laces up."

"Yeah but if they weren't undone I might not have been able to win that for us so be grateful for me not tying my laces okay."

We both laughed a bit before we got told to go back to lesson. We went to the locker rooms to get our stuff and change. I waved at her before I left then went to break where I found Akaguro who already got filled in on what happened. 

"Are you okay? Why did you fall over and hurt yourself just to win a game of dodgeball?"

"Akaguro be quiet I'm fine. How about we find somewhere to sit down?"

We went to sit down and I thought of Takeyama and how kind she was to me.

Hey guys  hope you liked this chapter yes I know Takeyama is 6 years older than Toga but SHHHHHHH I assure you nothing more will happen to them. Also if you don't know who Takeyama is it's Mt. Lady lol. Anyway 1.2k words don't forget to vote.

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