Chapter 16

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Sorry I didn't update yesterday or the day before I was sooo tired and couldn't be assed. Anyway Enjoy xx. TW: Swearing,

No ones Pov:

Everyone met in some alleyway and were talking about what they should do.

"Maybe we should go to the shop and get sweets"

Toga said sweetly.

"Yeah that's a good idea"

Takeyama said and everyone sort of just agreed. They all walked to the shop Tomura, Dabi and Twice went over to some other aisle while everyone else was looking at the sweets. They went over to the sweet aisle with everyone. Toga the little thief put a pack of sweets in her coat pocket before she went to the counter with one item to make it look not suspicious. She bought a pack of gummy smurfs. Everyone else got what they wanted Toga gave everyone a little warning as soon as they left ad heard the burglar alarm go off to run. They all walked over to the door calmly just talking and as Toga said it would the alarm went off. The cashier called out for us to wait and everyone just ran as fast as they could down the street. Lucky there weren't hero's patrolling or they'd be fucked. Oh wait. There were. And it couldn't be worse since the number one hero All Might was chasing them. Everyone just split off into two groups. This was over a packet of sweets. Anyway. Everyone split off. Twice made copies of everyone while Takeyama was growing and distracting all might. A few other hero's came over. Small one's like fat gum. Toga somehow managed to get All Might's blood ad turned into him pointing fat gum in the complete opposite direction. It was quite funny. She came back over to the group still as All Might form. She called Takeyama.

"Please don't arrest me."

Takeyama said.

"It's me. Takeyama it's Toga. This is just my quirk. By any chance do you have any clothes? Uhh When I turn into someone my clothes disappear."

Takeyama laughed.

"No but I can go get you some"

Takeyama rushed off to twice and Dabi. For some reason Twice carried a pair of shorts and Dabi had a jumper. She handed them to Toga and they went into an alleyway since there weren't any bathrooms around. Takeyama covered her with her body as she got changed. Toga finished getting changed into the clothes that were 3 sizes too big. Taeyama ad her stood up and waked back over to the group.

"Hey were did Dabi and Tomura go?"

Toga asked

"They probably have gone off kissing somewhere?"

Twice replied with a snort. An indeed they did actually. Akaguro and Atsuhiro walked by them and found them kissing in an alleyway.

"Ugh god get a hold on yourselves."

Akaguro complained.

"That's lovely to see you two getting along but we have places to be gentlemen."

Atsuhiro said while Tomura looked at them as red as a tomato before Dabi grabbed Tomura's hand and walked past them. They joined the rest of the group.

"Well that was a success. Who wants a smurf gummy?"

Toga said. Everyone had the smurf gummy's and enjoyed them as well.

"That was a mission success in my opinion."

Everyone agreed with Takeyama before everyone went home.

Hey guys how are yall. Short chapter just bcs I can. Anyway no chapter tomorrow just because I'm out and won't be able t write. I will get another chapter out soon and I can already hear you saying just pre-write it...... No. Not because I don't want to..... No that is the reason. Also I'm tired and I want sleep. 595 words. Don't forget to vote xx.

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