Chapter 20

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Woo 20 chapter in and its getting good. So a lil summary cause that's always fun. Shigaraki has been in the hospital because his father fucking abused him lol. They got together....... I've forgotten the middle bit. Dabi gets sent to the hospital also. These pair are just nob heads istg. Then they steal from a shop with Toga nd stuff. So now we've been caught by parents and cremated our least fac teacher. Way to go Dabi. Also put in the comments of you would like a second fanfic from me and if so what fandom and what about Hehe. Anyway I hope yall Enjoy. Tw: If it wasn't obvious by the face I've sworn in the authors note then yes there will be swearing. Sorry this has all mostly been Dabis Pov but Tomura isn't that exicting yet. And yall are young kill me but guess what. More Dabiiiii.

Dabi's Pov:
..... Well shit... I'm sitting in the office waiting for police while everyone is getting evacuated from the building. Toga has just gotten a month worth of detentions...... Well it's official. I'm going to die. First my mother. Then my dad. The worst of all after. Fuyumi, Shoto and Natsuo. I feel Fuyumi will just be disappointed. That is a rare sight but it is upsetting when she is. Shoto will be sobbing. I know. And Natsuo will threaten to fight me...... So exicting. I'm gonna fucking die. I was soon snapped out of my thoughts when I heard police talking with the school councilor. I knew that wasn't a good sign. The councilor was only for the mentally unstable and mentally disabled and I was neither..... Maybe one of those things. Uh oh... I watched a police officer walked over to me.

"Young man..... Please don't take this lightly. This is murder. You've murdered someone with no remorse whatsoever. However I feel that is because you look very shocked by your own actions by the look on your face."

He looked down at me.

"However we want your side of the story. Considering we couldn't get your teachers we got this young girl who you're friends with. Himiko Toga as I recall. And she says you had every right. So fire away I will listen without interrupting."

I looked at him slightly confused on why I wasn't already being dragged into a cop car.

"Well...... It was my fault a little. But he was getting on my nerves so bad. He kept on giving me more and more detentions. Like I'm pretty sure it piled up in total to like 16 years..... That was an exaggeration. More like 3 years of detention. I'm not even in the school for that long. I've got a year and a half and then I'm leaving for collage. So I didn't see the point. So when he kept going higher and I told him to stop he didn't and my nger just exploded and I.... Well.... Yeah."

He looked lme up and down then dead in the eye.

"And you are speaking honest truth. No lies or anything because I will have to take your word and if I get this wrong I could loose my job."

"Yes sir this information is all correct."

He nodded.

"Okay well I will have to proof read some of the info you've told me and I will get back to you. We have contacted mom and she said she won't be picking you up. You will be spending the night in jail. But on the bright side..... it isn't all year so. Anyway I'm going yo leave to read this. I'm trusting you to stay put. Also I've been given a message. Your boyfriend wants to talk with you. He's outside."

I nodded and he walked away and I watched Tomura step in.
"Dabi.... What have you done? This could've ended in so many different ways. Please don't get your ass in jail when you're older or I'm not bailing you out."
I looked at his disappointing and disapproving eyes.

"Tonura, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to kill him. Maybe a little burn but I mean. My anger was too much."

He sighed.

"Have you ever considered anger management?"

"What no I'm not doing that. Only wimps do that. Plus I'll be extra careful next time."

He sighed.

"Whatever you say. Anyway. I should get back with everyone else. Good luck in jail tonight."

I smiled at him.

"Thanks I'm gonna need it. Speak later yeah."

"Yeah I'll talk to you later"

He shouted back as he walked out slowly. The police officer walked back in.

"Mr. Todoroki please come with us"

They put me in handcuffs as if I were some petty criminal. If I was planning on murdering somebody with intention I'd never get caught who do they think they are. Silly buggers. I listened and sat in the back of the cop car with 2 cops either side of me.

Heyy. Maybe a longer chapter I dunno yall will have to tell me how long these are taking you  to read. Maybe it's short because I'm well tired and writing before I sleep. Anyway like I said before any suggestions on fanfics I could write from what fandom and about what that would really make this a lot easier. Or you could give me chapter ideas. Anyway 905 words. Don't forget to vote x. Luvs yall.

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