Chapter 24

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Hiii I know it has been so so so long since I've written but thats because I've had to look after the puppies we've just gotten and that's time consuming and I've just finished exams so yeah. Anyway let's get back to it. I had to go back and check what I had written because I forgot. And also I love Ed Sheerans mention and he should to baha. Anyway hope yall Enjoy!! Tw: Swearing

Tomuras Pov:

I was sitting in the changing rooms waiting for Dabi to finish getting into his pe kit. It was so odd. The fact that we were all kidnapped my Ed Sheeran. But no one spoke about it so I decided not to bring it up. I looked over at Dabi when he came out. He grabbed his water bottle and we went into the pe Hall. Usually me and Toga stand on the edge and just talk. We sat down in our little group and we were chatting away and we heard out pe teacher, Miss George and she was explaining what we'd be doing.

"Okay everyone. I know everyone is exicted to get up and running but I've got an important message for all of you."

Everyone boo'ed and huffed.

"The school has decided that we will be having a school football team to represent us. If anyone is interested in joining there is a meeting in my classroom at lunch today. Everyone is welcome to tryouts but only a few will be selected."

Everyone listened still not paying much attention.

"Anyway you can all get some badminton rackets and nets out we're doing badminton."

Everyone got up and grabbed badminton rackets. Me and Toga looked at eachother obviously Takeyama and Dabi were going together since they were the ones who participated. We both grabbed a racket but did end up standing in the corner doing nothing all lesson.

"Sooo... What you doing later?"

I hear Toga try and start a conversation.

"Oh not a lot. Just going home... What about you?"

"Same here honestly. I'm guessing Toya is still grounded?"

I nodded at her

"That's pretty shit. I really wanted to go out as a group together again"

"Yeah. Last time was..... entertaining"

She giggled. I just nodded at that. I heard Takeyama and Dabi call us over to a net.

"Come on guys. Play against us."

I looked over at Takeyama who shouted at us.


Toga huffed and I walked over with her. We were pretty bad to say the least. I think we had about 1 point and that was it. So that wasn't very entertaining. Miss George blew her whistle

"Right guys, good job today make sure everything is neat and tidy in the cupboard and come sit down."

We all did as we were told. Put everything away and sat down. Like every pe lesson she was telling us what we could improve on.

"Some of you guys need to improve on your stamina but some need to learn how to aim. But anyways good effort today guys. You're free to go."

Me and Dabi left for the changing rooms. We both decided to take our time for no reason. Maybe it was because we had maths next. I don't know. But we were very slow. We both left and saw Toga and Takeyama waiting for us.

"Hi guys"

I heard Takeyama say again. We heard Miss George behind us

"Toga, Tomura, come here for a minute"

I looked over at Toga who started walking to Miss George.

"Dabi, Takeyama, go ahead to class or you'll be late."

They both left and it was just me, Toga and Miss George.

"Your guys' performance today was amazing. You may not realise it but you two are a good duo in badminton. You both have potential. I know you only got like 1 because Dabi and Takeyama was telling you that the shuttlecock was out. But in reality you got way more than them. Now I don't know if it was beginners luck or anything. But the school badminton team is in bad shape. If you two were to join we'd beat every school in the county. So I'm giving you guys the option. Come back to me by the end of the day telling me if you want to join. But we can't have just one of you. It needs to be both of you. But I'll see you later with your decisions."

She gave us a pat on the shoulder before walking off. We looked at eachother and when we were sure she left we jumped around holding eachothers hands like children.

"Oh my god. Oh my god. We're gonna be on the badminton team"

Toga was jumping around in exictment. We began to walk to maths.

Yayy. Tomura actually gets a chapter. Way to go. Anyway, hope yall enjoyed this chapter. There will be many more to come. 830 words. Don't forget to vote xx

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