Chapter 11

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I don't really know what I'm gonna do with this chapter so we'll just see how it goes. I might introduce more characters later but for now it's gonna stay like this lol. Anyway enjoy. TW: Swearing, Mention of blood.

Dabi's Pov:

It's break and Tomura keeps on nagging me to see if that girl is okay. Like she's a psycho.

"Come on just go see if she's okay."

I rolled my eye's. I'm glad he doesn't know  what I did to Twice earlier.

"Fine. But I'm telling you she's crazy. She literally cut me earlier for a so called 'experiment'."

 I said before walking off to find Toga or whatever her name was. I saw her talking to that one kid what was his name? Oh yeah Akaguro. 

"Oh hey Dabi!"

She called my name. This is so stupid.


"Did you get sent here to see if I was okkayyyyyyy?"

"You're so annoying."

She laughed.

"I'm serious..... Anyway what was the experiment you needed my blood for."

She didn't answer the question.

"Well I'm okay, uhhh. I should get going though..... To uhhhh.... Lesson... Yeah."

I watched her walk off. Kinda weird considering she was always late to lessons and it was 10 minutes before the bell. Anyway. I went back to Tomua.

"So did you talk to her?"

"Yeah, she's crazy though I'm telling you."

Little did I know this was just the beginning. Me and Tomura had different lessons. I still hadn't seen if twice was okay so I should probably do that soon. Eventually break ended and we went to our lessons. I decided since I had the most boring lesson, English, to go see if Twice was okay. Not that I gave a shit but I didn't want to go to English. I walked over to the nurses office where he was sat on a bench.


I called out

"Piss off I'm never talking to you again."

"Oh shut up you sound like a little kindergartener."

He rolled his eyes

"Yeah whatever. Anyway why are you even here I really thought you would have just not bothered to see me?"

"Well I mean I've got English soooo.... I didn't want to be bore to death."

I heard Twice scoff.

"Oh so you're using me being injured as an excuse to get out of English?"

"Yeah basically?"

"Well you're welcome I'm injured."

"Yeah well you wouldn't be if I didn't hurt you."

We went back and fourth like this until the nurse walked in.

"Hey get back to lesson you! You shouldn't be in here unless your sick or injured!"

I walked to the door before leaving. I didn't bother saying goodbye since Twice wouldn't care if I did anyway. I ended up getting into English where the teacher stood by the door waiting for me. He began just screaming in my face at the fact I was 20 minutes late to his class and how disrespectful it was and how an SLT was out looking for me this whole time and I had to apologize for not telling anyone where I was. I just sat down ignoring him. Nothing much happened the rest of that lesson other than we wrote about I don't even know because I as asleep.

Hey guys hope you enjoyed this Chapter. There will be some more exciting stuff later. Not much else to say other than don't forget to vote and if you have any suggestions on what I should write then please leave your suggestions down below. Also 571 words sorry for the short chapter lol. See you all soon xx

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