Chapter 19

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I've had really bad writers block that why it's taken me so long t publish this chapter. Anyway not a lot to say other than enjoy. TW: Swearing

Toga's POV

"So how bad was it?"

Dabi just grunted at me.

"I mean it could've been worse?"

He glared at me and I just stayed quiet.

"You do realize my father could've lost his job?"

I stared at the floor while we waited for our teacher to come.

"I mean..... No. I didn't know your father was a pro hero. Let alone number. 2. If I did I would've not done it. You know I didn't mean any harm to anyone."

I twiddled my hair with my finger.

"Stop it."

"Stop what?"

Now I was confused.

"Stop doing the ting with your hair."

"Ohhhhh okay."

I put my hand by my sides. Our teacher Mr. Anderson.

"Okay guys. Today we will be doing a pop quiz. So sit in your seat's quietly while I hand paper out."

Everyone groaned. They were always more like assessments more than a quiz.

"Oh so I guess you don't want to do kahoot's?"

Everyone just looked at him. Kahoot? Mr. Anderson doesn't even know how to log into his computer let alone create a kahoot account. To be fair he was a man dodging te grave. He'd been teaching for over 40 years of his life. He was always on about 'When I was your age..' He was more like an audio book than a teacher. Everyone got in sat down. We all got given laptops and for some miraculous reason he already had the Kahoot set up? Slightly odd. I practically shoved this other little girl out of her seat so I was sat by Dabi. Soon the kahoot started and obviously me and Dabi chose stupid names. Like not inappropriate..... Well they were, but it was funny like 'Ben Dover' or like 'Anita handjaab' and silly things like that. Obviously Mr. Anderson wasn't having it and gave us both detentions. Which was pretty gay if you ask me. Not that there is anything wrong with being gay but you know. Dabi on the other hand wasn't having it.

"Why are we getting a detention? For having fun, a laugh? Are you thick in the head?"

Mr. Anderson wasn't having none of it.

"Do you both want detention for the next 2 weeks. Because I will."

I was trying to calm Dabi down but obviously he didn't want to hear it.

"You want a go old man. Because I can fuck you up."

"That's it. you both get 2 weeks of detention."

Dabi looked at me practically begging he could have a go. I just let go of him.

"When I was your age if I spoke to someone like that I'd get slapped"

"That's because you were alive when dinosaurs roamed though."

Everyone giggled at this statement.

"Retire already. You're barely dodging the grave as it is."

The look on Me. Anderson's face will be engraved in my memory forever. But evidently He didn't have enough patients.

"Dabi come here for a moment."

Dabi walked up without a care in the world. Mr. Anderson grabbed a splintered old wooden ruler and slapped Dabi on the face with it leaving splinters and a large mark that would say for a while. I saw all the pent up anger just release from Dabi. I watched as he just completely let loose practically setting him on fire. I looked at the floor where there were nothing but mere ashes.

"Free cremation anyone?"

Everyone stared at him. One of the kids ran out sobbing and soon enough our head of year came in.

"Oh shit, not good. Dabi good luck with that talk."

"Well at least we don't have detention."

"Yeah well don't call me to bail you out of jail for murder"

He scoffed and turned to look at our head of year Miss. Wilson. She grabbed Dabi.

"Oh you're in big trouble. Office has already phoned police. You're in for it."

I don't know many of the details but everyone got evacuated from the building and taken outside. About Dabi all I know is he got taken into a cell and had to stay the night because his mother refused to pick him up. The school surprisingly hadn't expelled him. Only an exclusion. But that's all I know.

Heyyy. Didn't expect to write a chapter like that but that's how it turned out. Lovely ending. Anyway 718 words, don't forget to vote. Luv's for everyone.

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