Chapter 3

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Heyyyy I just wanted to say i have been really enjoying writing this and I am so glad that yall enjoy it. This is gonna sound stupid but TYYYYYYYSSSSSM for 19 reads. TW: Profanities/Swearing :O and mention of hospital if any of yall wanted to know that as well lol

Dabi POV:

I had a call off a random number. "Hello?" It was like 12 AM and I sounded so sleep deprived. "Uhm hey its Shigarakis mum." Wow okay odd. "Okay what?" I was tired and I couldn't be bothered to talk. "He............... Tomura is uhm........" Oh my god I didn't have time for this. "Spit it out.......... he is" I needed the answer. "He is in the hospital." Everything felt like it stopped. "W-what why?!" I was so scared of what had happened. "His father.......... was drunk and he hit him until he was unconscious." The urgency in her voice sounded panicy. I ran to the hospital. When I got to the hospital, out of breath I ended up finding his mum and she showed me which room he was in. I had felt so bad, I knew something was up in art earlier. He was laying there litterally motionless. He was still not waking up. "Come on please wake up." I didn't realise quite how loud I was. I started crying. I had no idea how long i was there crying but it was morning. I refused to go to school without him.

Shigaraki's POV:

When I ended up waking up I saw Dabi crying, Crying? He never showed a lot of emotion though? He then hugged me, I realized I was in the hospital. "Why......... Why am I here?" Was it dad? did he do something.  "Your dad, it was him. I'm gonna make him pay that little bastard." He sounded pretty serious. "Dabi don't." I didn't really want him to do anything to my dad. Especially cause his quirk is so powerful. "Please I really don't want him to hurt you too." He huffed. "Fine!" I smiled at him. He was still hugging me, I didn't realize how much I was blushing. When he got up he laughed. He LAUGHED!!! He barley laughed. His smile was kinda cute. Was I falling for him? No, no, no. I'm not gay of course...... Or maybe.

Dabi's POV:

I really wanted to rip that bitch to pieces (He is talking abt shigarakis dad). when I got up from hugging shigaraki I saw he was blushing, and I couldn't help but laugh a little. He looked really...... cute. But maybe I'm falling for him? If it's meant to be.... I mean I'm not complaining. Maybe, maybe I am. "You're so cute when you blush." I was trying to joke around but flirt at the same time.... It was true. He kinda half knew and he blushed more. "Shouldn't you be in school?" Oh shit yeah I should. "Huh I guess so." I really didn't care. Well pretended I didn't "Go then I don't wanna keep you here just for me." I huffed. I did want to stay with Shigaraki. "Fineeeeeeeeee." I was walking out. "Stay safe though cause you're like my only friend. " He blushed even more but god he was cute. "I'm serious please do stay safe." He smiled. "Okay I will." He said softly. When I left I felt my heart practically fluttering. I got to school, God I had Mr. Shitty Schlatt first. I walked in his class as if I were on time (He never is btw). "Dabi you're like half an hour late, care to explain?" I walked in ignoring him and slumped down in my seat. "I don't wanna talk about it." After a while he finished explaining and Mr. Shitty Shlatt (that's the teacher's new nickname lol) came over to me. "Dabi do you know where Tomura is?" He was trying to be nice to me, weird. "Yeah I dipshit, that's why I'm late now fuck off." I was upset... Maybe I made that a bit too clear but I couldn't care less. "Okay number 1. Don't talk to teachers like that and number 2. I know what happened, do you wanna talk about it?" He needs to stop being nice it feels weird that a teacher that usually shouts at me is being nice. "No leave me alone." I felt like I was about to cry but I wasn't about to show this teacher how weak I was. "Okay, I understand. If you need to talk I'm always here okay." When he left I leaned my head on the desk and i silently started crying, I didn't get any work done at all, all lesson. God I hated crying. When Me. Shitty Schlatt noticed I was crying he started walking over to me. Everything in my head was telling me to run but I couldn't all I could do was cry. He sat next to me where Shigaraki would usually sit and put his hand on my shoulder. I was just crying. The tears were flowing. "It's okay, he will be okay I promise." He was comforting me, having at least some reassurance was nice. "It's.... It's not t-that." 

*Hugs him*

"Oh, what is it then? You can trust me." 

*I sniffle*

"You're gonna laugh." I looked up at him with teary eyes. "I will not I promise." I took a deep breath. "Okay.... W-Well how do I put t-this. I think I might be..... G-Gay." The shock on his face I do have to admit was funny. Yet I still could not stop crying. "Oh.... Uhhhhhh......... Thats really not what I was expecting..... Especially from... You. Why are you so upset about it though" I was upset. "Because that stupid smiley little crusty lips boy Tomura made me feel feelings!!!" 

*A few of my tears fall onto my textbook and I sniffle*

"Oh wow.... Well why don't you tell him how you feel...... I'm sure he'll understand." Well that was a stupid question. "Because he is in the fucking hospital." I was still crying. Damn it why am I being so emotional right now. " Oh yeah sorry, I'm pretty sure he is also on the queer side of things." 

*I stop crying instantly*

"Really?" I thought he would have told me the first thing when I told him I like Shigaraki but okay.  "Look Dabi I don't think you have the mental health to stay in school right now.... You look really tired and........ Depressed. I'm letting you leave..... Oh and tell Tomura I said I hope he gets well soon." Wow this teacher is better than I thought. "Really, thank you Mr Schlatt." I put my textbook in my bag. "Don't call me Mr Schlatt call me Johnathan." I smiled at him. "Okay whatever you say Johnathan Schlatt."

*Packs up and runs to the hospital*

Shigarakis POV:

Dabi burst through the hospital doors and ran over to me and hugged me. I felt myself get warm and I blushed. "Hey Dabi.... What's with the rush?" He needs to ask me a question, it's just one of those gut feelings. "I'm gonna ask you something kinda personal is that okay with you??" That is kinda odd. "Uh okay go ahead." He looked so desperate to ask me. "Are you gay or like on the queer side of things??" That's a question I wasn't expecting today. "Oh uhhh....... Yeah I am why???" That was confusing. "Oh... No reason just wondering cause everyone says you are." I could see he was lying but I didn't bring it up. "Wait aren't you supposed to be in school??" That is what made me confused. "Oh yeah Mr. Shitty Schlatt let me leave early to see you." He sounded happy. "Oh well that was really nice of him." Dabi had a large grin on his face. "Yeah I know."

This chapter has been longer than the others and took me ages to write on the computer cause I wrote the original story in my book and now I am copying it on here so all of wattpad can enjoy it lol srry  for any spelling errors too lol. Chaper 4 will be soon and most proberbly exicting lol.

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