Chapter 12

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Hey guys. So there isn't much I gotta say other than enjoy. Idk what I'm gonna do for this chapter so I'm just gonna write. I've got writers block but yeah :( Enjoy. TW: Swearing

Tomuras Pov:

I was laying in bed texting my friend when I got a notification off a random number. I clicked on it assuming it was just a scam. I read it. It said 'Hello, I'm Melissa from Tiger Recruitment. We have several vacancies, may I share some details with you?' I just left it on read and went back to the groupchat. It was me, Toga, Atsuhiro, Akaguro, Twice and Dabi. It was a bit of a random groupchat since none of us actually hung out together. Well that was until Toga sent a long message about ho we should meet up one day. We were all up to it. Well everyone apart from Dabi. He was being really boring about it. I messaged him privately about it and he decided he would come as long as he didn't have to talk to Toga. We all planned a day we could do which wasn't difficult since none of us had really busy lives.

Dabi's Pov:

I can't believe he got me to agree to go out with the groupchat. I mean to be fair it was a stupid reason I didn't wat to go. Mainly cause I knew that Toga would be there and she's psyco over me. Anyway, we had decided on a date pretty easily. I could tell that Tomura was exited by the fact he begged me to go with him. I had a pretty boring night other than watch movies not engaging in any of the conversations anyone was having on the groupchat unless someone mentioned me. I ended up falling asleep watching shrek. I soon got rudely awaken by my alarm. I woke up and saw that barbie was playing on my TV. How it hadn't turned off I don't know. I got dressed for school. Walked Shoto to the bus. It was his first day back and he seemed quite exited to get back. When he got on the bus I started walking to school. I walked in and found Tomura with all those dickheads we were going out with. I walked up to them. Twice just gave a me a dirty look but I was greeted with a very exited Toga a sleep deprived Atsuhiro and a seemingly okay Akaguro.

"Hey Dabi I'm glad you're joining us this weekend."

Toga practically shouted in my face before clinging onto me in a tight hug. I just stared at her.

"Yeah whatever."

I couldn't help but smile at her over exitedness. I shoved her off after she didn't let go. Tomura smiled at me. I walked over to him.

"Why are we hanging out with weirdo's?"

"I mean we are kinda weird it only makes sense?"

I rolled my eye's.

"I am a fine specimen of a man thank you very much."

He laughed at me before Atsuhiro walked over.

"Don't get all lovey dovey now it's too early for that."

I saw Toga giggle and my face flshed.

"Who told you!"

I noticed Toga look away and Tomura walking over to Toga.

"Toga! Get your ass over here Now!"

She walked over to me slowly. 

"Who told you."

I saw her look back at Tomura. I looked at Tomura then back at Toga.

"Hey Tomura come here."

I saw him walking over.

"Why dose he get a nice request ad I get yelled at?"

Toga said with a pout.

"You know why. Tomura, did you or did you not tell Toga who told Atsuhiro that we were dating?"

"Well.... Maybe?"

I huffed and rolled my eyes.

"Really, of all the people you could have chosen you chose her?"

He nodded.

"Whatever, they know now."

I said annoyed. I checked my phone for my timetable. I was looking at my lessons when I got a notification off my mum saying I left my lunch in the house. I was texting her back when a teacher came over and confiscated my phone. Our school had a strict no phone's policy. I handed it over. We all went our separate ways. Well apart from me and Toga. We went to Geography. Hopefully it's smooth sailing from here.

Hey guys. I hope you liked this chapter. Got even more characters. If you don't know who they are I will make a list

Dabi: I'd hope you know who he is.

Shigaraki: Tomura

Toga: Himiko Toga

Akaguro: Stain 

Atsuhiro: Compress

Twice: Twice

Takeyama: Mt. Lady

I hope you all liked this chapter. 746 words. Don't forget to vote x.

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