The Bed

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EDIT: Aug 6, 2017

The more I read, the more I cringe, tbh. This book has practically no plot. I don't know what I was going for here... so, yeah.... Read on if you must, but don't say I didn't warn you.


"Wanda?" A boy with light brown hair looked around the corner of his small house, searching for his sister. The subject of his face was fear, and a furrowed brow signed that he was slightly paranoid from the absence of his sister.

"You can come out. I promise." He said, while he looked worriedly down the hall, praying he would find her soon. The air seemed to be still as he waited for his twin sister to come out of hiding. The worn wooden floors did not squeak once, and he knew she wasn't coming out of hiding any time soon. It was much to silent for something or someone to be walking on those old floors.

"Wanda, come! Eet is over," Pietro said with his thick accent. A crease formed in his forehead as he frowned. This wasn't good news to his knowledge of Wanda. She was sneaky and a cheat most times. She was supposed to play fair that time though.

This was not good at all.

"BOO!" Wanda, with long dark brown hair and all, screamed at her brother; a wicked grin forming across her face. She had crept up on him as he had been pouting for her to come out. It was a classic move. She was just lucky to be light and agile like a dancer.

Pietro leaped back with surprise just as soon as his sister began laughing at his frightened face. Her tiny and petite body shook from her tinkling laughter, and her wide smile shined bright with pristine teeth.

"You are so funny, Pietro! Jumping around like zat!" Wanda clutched her stomach to support herself. She picked up her speech after she took a gratifying breath of air and returned to her teasing.

"I would zink you to be a hot potato; being tossed around like a bing-bag." Wanda said, just as she went to step closer to her rage-filled brother.

Pietro scowled as the little girl laughed again at his foul and annoyed mood. He was not going to be laughed at by his twin that was fairly younger than him. He was, after all, the leader. He had claimed that title when he had won three card games in a row, and now she was obviously trying to redeem herself.

Pietro said, "Vell... Maybe next time you'd varn me," He walked past her in a great stride of pride; so that maybe his ego would regain its full glory.

Wanda giggled behind his back and observed him as he went down the hall. She watched his dirty light hair catch the bright light from the kitchen window in a magnificent golden glow. That evening, the small windows were filled with light, and it seemed to flow like pixie-dust, all the way from the kitchen and into the hall. The sunlight made a certain aura around her turned-away twin. He almost looked like an angel— as if he'd gone up to heaven.

Wanda shuddered, and wrapped her small arms around herself. Those thoughts were dark and not meant to be pondered about. Yet she always did have trouble controlling her thoughts. They were always pecking at her head, wondering about things that shouldn't be wondered about.

She decided it was best to follow her brother; to make things right.  Besides, she followed him everywhere. There was not a time in her life she did not find herself behind her brother. He was always so protective, and she loved him for it. Sometimes she wondered if she could ever be as brave and smart as him. Although, Wanda did wish he would understand that she was just as protective, and not necessarily nicer to all of those bully's back in the learning building.

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