The Guest

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*Last edited May 2018*


Clint was staring at her with a wide smile as she leaped into his open arms. She nearly squealed with excitement and strangled him with her arms wrapped tightly around him.

"What are you doing here?" She exclaimed.

He glanced at the ground and itched the back of his head as she released him from her grasp. "I heard you were in trouble, and uh, that Steve needed a backup so I came as the 'guest-avenger', and here we are."

Both of Wanda's arms wrapped around his neck once again, she smiled at the warm scent that branded him as her Clint. She breathed him in one more time, "I've missed you."

He patted her on the back. "Yeah, I've missed you too, kid."

She let go and snapped her head over to the rustling near some bushes and saw the undeniable figure of Steve, panting and clearly freaking out. When Steve saw Clint he threw his hands in the air, sweat clinging to his face.

"I've been looking for you everywhere! We need to leave! Now." Steve's face was panicked, and she felt his already speeding heartbeat, turn into a race car track. She had a feeling that explosion was their doing. Clint let go of Wanda and began to jog over to Steve, and Wanda looks over at Vision who was hovering, being very still.

"Vision. We need to leave." Wanda grabbed Vision by the arm gently and tugged him towards the two crazy, sweaty, men who were just anticipating the worst to happen.

Suddenly, just after one step, Wanda yelped and clung to Vision's arm before she dropped to the ground unexpectantly. A small knife had planted itself in her shin, with incredibly accurate aim.

Grinding her teeth she pulled it out, stopped Vision from killing Arkon, who only stood a few yards away. He had a crazy look in his eyes, and she knew that he knew he had lost terribly. Smiling a little, Wanda threw the knife perfectly to where she wanted it to hit. Arkon screamed louder than he ever had in his life, and Wanda leaned emotionless towards his pain. He practically withered and slithered like a snake just from his pitiful wound. She placed her hand on Vision's chest for support as he slid his arm under her own.

"Didn't I tell you to get lost? You pathetic-"

Clint rushed forward and was shaking his head. "Wanda, leave him. Leave him, and this pathetic place behind. We gotta go."

Wanda nodded, and felt Vision lift slightly off the ground, so that she didn't really have to walk on her bad leg, but only glide. Clint nodded in approval and the three followed Steve into the bushes.

"I can walk y'know." She said, turning her head back to Vision. He gave her a look. She shut up and let him glide her away.

They all broke out from the bushes, finally. Wanda almost stopped Vision, mid-glide. She squinted at what looked like an animal, and her eyes got wide when she saw the thing looked like a giant lizard. It couldn't be possible, but she was pretty sure she was looking at a dinosaur.

"I know. But it's true," Steve's voice cut from her right side. He seemed to understand what she was thinking. "They really are dinosaurs. He keeps them as pets..." He said trailing off in clear disbelief.

Wanda couldn't reply back. How could she? Here she was, on earth, looking at dinosaurs.

"I zought dinosaurs died!"

"Not on this planet," Clint replied back.

Wanda looked concerned and cocked her head to the side. She frowned when she realized she'd been around Vision for too long. She was starting to form his habits. "We're not on earth?"

"We are on Polemachus. A completely different, yet same, planet as earth." Vision replied bluntly.

Wanda looked over to her side to get some reassurance from the two men. Instead, she heard Clint and Steve both swear, and watched as they took off in a fast sprint.

Wanda looked at what they were running at and from what she could see it looked like a bonfire. Her stomach dropped when she realized that it wasn't a bonfire. There was a huge stake in the middle of a starting fire. Vision stopped walking when he saw what was occurring also.

Hope, Harry, and Rhodes were all tied up on a wooden beam. They were about to be consumed by the fire. 

Oh, wonderful. This day kept getting better and better.

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