The Farmhouse

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That caption killed me. ^^^


"Ms. Maximoff."

Wanda woke up being shaken gently by Vision. With a quick glance she saw she was on his shoulder and sat straight up. Ignoring the fact that she had used him as a pillow, she rubbed her eyes.

"Vhy are you vaking me up?" She wined like a four year old.

"Because we are here." Vision responded to her complaining almost like a parent would. Wanda noticed with annoyance. She hated how calm and collected he was all the time.

Suddenly his words hit her. Wanda's eyes snapped open even wider as she looked around. She saw there were tree's everywhere, plus a huge field, and off to the far distance— there stood a small farm house. Fields of wheat and corn stood in between the truck and house.

Wanda scrunched her nose when she saw how far the distance was. At least a ten-minute walk. She looked at Vision.

"He couldn't park us any closer?" Wanda grumbled as she got out of the car. She slammed the truck's door in frustration. Everything seemed so dreamlike out there and it gave her the chills just thinking about actually dreaming. They never did end up being a happy ever after.

Vision exited the car and answered. "He wanted it to be a surprise."

Wanda could hear laughing and screeching from the house. Understanding why Clint did it, she sighed and the depressed soul of hers started to walk on the dirt road, with Vision in towing behind her silently. He didn't walk, and instead glided, so only one set of feet could be heard on the grey gravel.

The sun was almost halfway up the sky, and it beat down on her face. It was uncomfortable, and Wanda wondered what time it was.

"How long vas I asleep?" Wanda asked to the Android behind her just as she rubbed her eyes again. She couldn't get the fuzziness out of her sight.

Vision replied, "Four hours, thirty four minute's, and twenty six seconds."

Wanda rolled her eyes with sarcasm. "Zank you. For the exact time."

As soon as she said that, she realized how bitter she sounded. Wanda stopped walking and breathed for a moment. A slight shake went through her body, and it took a lot in her to not lose it. Vision paused next to her as he stared at Wanda in sorrow.

After a few moments of trying to compose herself she drew a deep breath and sighed outwards. "I'm zorry," She shook her head, and bit her lip.

"I just... say things sometimes, and I go too far. It's been worse lately," Wanda started to get choked up but swallowed any sadness and said, "Probably because he's not here,"

Vision stayed still and quiet while she had her moment. His eyes trailed over her, making sure her body was not going to collapse under pressure or maybe even the heat above the two.

After a few seconds, Wanda nodded in assurance to herself, and started to walk towards the house again. Wanda didn't look behind her to know that Vision was following.

She was trying so hard not to draw anymore attention to her than possible. So Wanda wrapped her arms around herself and let the soothing sound of the crunch of gravel underneath her feet. Vision was quiet, and she was glad. Wanda was glad that for once someone wasn't saying, 'You'll be okay...'

Wanda talked encouraging words to herself. She breathed in and out slowly as she did.

I'm good. Your fine. You can do this.

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