The Annoying

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^^^That made me really happy. Thank you guys for getting me to 3k views! I know that's not much, but it's the most I've ever gotten, so thank you for your support!

All rights go to Marvel or... Disney, who knows?

As Wanda woke up that morning, she was slightly disappointed to find that Vision wasn't asleep, and instead, awake- reading Pride and Prejudice.

She chuckled sleep-like, and that's when Vision turned his head. His eyes seemed slightly brighter than usual, and that's when she saw that her window curtain was back, letting light in.

She scrunched up her nose and rubbed her eyes. She scooted towards Vision and laid her head on his shoulder, nuzzling his arm.

He slightly cleared his throat, as she yawned. "Wanda, you may want to know th-"

She rolled her eyes and interrupted and pouted. "Not even a 'good-morning'?"

He stared at her for a moment with a blank expression, and as she began to worry, he smiled tenderly and whispered,

"Good morning, Wanda. How was sleeping?"

She snorted and sat straighter and got close to his slightly concerned face when he looked at her.

"Are you scared of me or something?" She smiled playfully, and took his book away from him and shut it. She then moved herself to where she was sitting on her knees, on top of Vision's legs. She leaned in, her ratty hair, hanging down her face.

She smirked when his breath hitched, and just as she was about to-

"Please don't make out while I'm down here." Said a casual voice from beyond the bed.

Wanda jerked back, and rolled off of Vision and let her bare feet touch the cold, hard, floor.

Wanda's eyes widened when she saw Clover on her floor, coloring in a color book.

Wanda looked behind her at Vision, who had a slight sheepish look on his face.

"Why is Clover on my floor?" She glanced at the childish girl. "Coloring." She glanced at the coloring book. "A picture of Elvis."

Vision's face became a mixture of emotions. But he straightened his face out and went back to the blank face, with an almost smug smile.

"I tried telling you."

She huffed and threw her arms around aimlessly. "Yeah, but why is she on my floor coloring Elvis!"

When he started to think about his next answer, she started to massage her head in annoyance.

"You know, if I was in this situation, I would ask the nice person on the floor why they were coloring Elvis in my room at," Clover checked her wrist watch. "Eight in the morning."

Wanda snapped her head towards the girl, "Okay, why?"

Clover lifted her head and rested her chin on her hands. "Why, what?"

Wanda threw her hands up in the air, and walked over to her bathroom. As she was, Clover pouted.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm taking a shower!" Wanda slammed the door shut, her sleep gone, and Clover stood up, giggling through her hands.

"That was payback!" She yelled towards the bathroom.

"FOR WHAT?" Wanda screamed back.

"For not telling me what was really happening last night! Oh and- by the way, James is fine-ish, they kicked me out because I was worrying too much."

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