The Vow

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"Wanda, listen-"

Wanda shook Clint's words off with a wave with her unoccupied hand and covered her face with the other. She could feel everyone's mood drop in a dramatic way. Vision's mind was the only one she felt that was not entirely frightened of what was to come if she got extremely bad. Her sobs wracked her entire body, and she just let go.


She sobbed again, and silenced the voice again. For thirteen years, this cry would make up for it. Her brother was dead. She made an oath with her brother not to cry. He was dead. The oath had died as soon as Pietro did.

There was a shout, and then a door slam. Wanda could barely process what was going on when she cried harder than she ever had.

She felt that if she was Alice in Wonderland, she would had filled the entire  room with her tears. Her cheeks were soaked and she did nothing to wipe them away. The tears signified that she had broken a promise; that someone she loved was dead.

The bed started to shake, yet she still didn't look up from her hands. She let herself keep crying.

The only thing she felt was distraught. She would never see her brother again. Ever. She would never get to see his smile, to hear his laugh, and to feel his touch. That was almost unbearable.

He would never get to watch a movie again. The last time he ate his favorite food, to the last time he hugged Wanda– was all just... Dead. Maybe she should have died... Maybe if she had pushed Vision away away from her, she could've fallen to her death. But she knew he would've swooped back in again to save her.

This new thought brought on a whole new level of tears.

More shouts, and loud sounds were heard but thuds against the wall were hardly her problem. She had to calm down. Wanda started trying to catch her breath, but she couldn't. She heaved in and out but the girl was choking on her own tears. Maybe she would die from the heartbreak. Maybe that would be best.

No one could stop her from doing anything. Not now. She was lost in a maze, too deep to find her way back. Her brother was too. And she planned on being lost together.

But she was very wrong about one person never changing her. Very wrong.


A hand, that's all she needed. Was a hand. And her sobs became less heart wrenching, and more just sorrow. The hand was frantic, so it wasn't exactly helping but she still felt the sudden relief of another persons touch.

"Wanda, your making people hurt themselves. You need to stop."

Didn't he understand? She couldn't stop. She could never stop now that her brother is dead.

"Wanda," A stern voice, "You have to stop. Now."

"I-I can't. I-" The hand tightened for comfort when her voice broke. "I broke our vow. I-m dead. I'm dead, and I can't do anything 'bout it."

Something grabbed her other hand and tore it away from her face.

"Wanda, you're not dead you're only being destructive." She watched as Steve tried to calm her. The sight of him made her even worst. He must have thought she was insane from the way he was looking at her. The... Look of distraught on his face reminded her of Pietro. It reminded her of when they were young and he told her to eat her food. The ceiling started to fall apart as she thought these things. Tiny pieces were raining on everyone.

Squeezing her eyes shut once more she tried to picture heaven or maybe even hell. She didn't want to be on earth anymore. She didn't want to be in the middle where Pietro definitely wasn't at. She didn't want to feel anything anymore.

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