The Happy/Sad

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I saw the picture and decided to make a chapter about it. 'Cause I'm just that cool.

Wanda ran down the hall with the other two, and burst into the white lab. There, Harry sat wide awake with shocking blue eyes just while Alice cried into his chest. He was smiling awkwardly, and rubbing circle's into her back.

His eye's lit up even brighter when he saw Hope. The red-head ran over to her best friends— tackling him in a hug too.

Steve, Nat, Wanda, and Rhodes, were all smiling at the three elated people.

Suddenly, Wanda thought of something, and ran out of the room. She wasn't too far when she heard Steve following her.

"What are you doing?" He asked intrigued.

Wanda sped up. "I'm getting the cake! And then ve're going to light eet, and hand it to Alice vhile dis moment is still precious."

She ran into the kitchen, which many chefs dissaproved of, but once they saw Steve, they calmed down from the sight of their boss. She grabbed the colorful cake and ran with it carefully in her hands.

I really hope I don't-

She tripped with a gasp, but lucky, Vision was there in the hall to swoop down to retrieve it, just before it hit the ground.

"Thanks!" She said with wide eyes quickly, and ran into the room where everyone was. Vision followed quietly with many questions. Shuch as why she had a cake in the hall— running with it.

He followed her into a bright lab and watched as soon as Wanda sat the cake on the table and got a lighter to light up the candle's. She looked at everyone expectantly and started to sing to Alice; who was still sobbing into Harry's chest.

"Happy birthday to you... Happy birthday to you..." Nat and Steve joined in once Wanda looked around with dark red eyes: as did Sam and Hope. "Happy birthday, dear Alice... Happy birthday to you..." By then everyone had joined in, and Wanda harmonized the last sentence to put some energized kick into it. Everyone smiled and cheered.

Alice let go of Harry reluctant to leave her brother's attention for one second and blew out the candle's. Her eyes closed with satisfaction and then went right back to clinging on to her brother.

Everyone clapped, and Wanda felt a small amount of pleasure, giving the tiny girl a good birthday.

Her eye's wandered to the two siblings and watched as Harry smiled the whole way through. Alice was practically jumping—along with Hope, and Wanda watched Steve excuse himself after giving Alice a big hug. Wanda looked around and found everyone was talking except herself. She quickly left the room and followed Steve, tip-toeing.

She watched him walk into his new room and noticed oddly, he didn't close his door. Overcome with curiosity, she peaked into his room. He laid on his bed looking at a picture. He had a sad look on his face, and she felt sad herself from just watching him.

She jumped when she felt a hand on her shoulder, and found with relief it was just Vision. She put her hand on her heart and breathed as quietly as possible.

Geeze, try not to scare me next time.

Vision ignored her.

It appears Steve is missing his friend.

A sharp stab of pain entered her side as she remembered her conversation she had with Nat and Clint. She stopped crouching slowly, and started to walk away with a vacant expression. Finding her room number she darted into her the darkness and comfort that was now her new 'house'.
She flung herself on the bed and looked at the ceiling. Thought's came crashing down like waves. After feeling the bed shake she decided pondering wasn't too good and focused on the decor instead.

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