The Surprise

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The fight was over quickly, and the small group of heroes broke into the building with a loud crash. The people inside were screaming, and Wanda immediately put them to sleep in five seconds with the help of Alice's blinking technique.

Everyone looked at the two of them, and they both shrugged towards each other— just as if it was normal.

What Wanda didn't know, was that the people present were more dangerous than what she had pondered.

She stepped over a man, and such as she did, he grabbed her ankle as fast as lighting. Not even Wanda knew what was going on at first.

When she did, she let out a short scream of pain when she hit the floor, and the man pulled out a gun, pointing it right at her.

Nobody moved, afraid Wanda would get hurt. Steve took a tiny step forward. The man jumped and pointed further the gun at Wanda. Steve threw his hands up.

"Listen, she doesn't need to be hurt. She's not the leader... I am. So why don't you point that thing at me, instead?"

The man before them all licked his lips and smiled. His teeth were bright yellow; black specks accompanied them. Wanda's stomach was feeling queasy, although she new she would be able to save herself— saving others was the problem.

"I don't think so. You all care about this one here, so I'm going to take her life, before you take mine." His hand tightened around the gun, and so did Wanda's muscles as she flinched. If she were to make a force field... Would he turn his gun immediately towards another if she refused to be shot?

Steve shook his head fast. "We don't kill if not needed. We won't have to kill you if you don't do this." Steve was pleading with his eyes. "Please."

"I'd rather not go to prison—thank you." He flipped the safety off and stood up to look right at Wanda on the ground.

"It's nothing personal miss, truly."

She had made her decision. She would make a blow— and she needed a distraction for the team. She hoped this would be worth it.

He pulled the trigger.


Wanda didn't feel anything when she opened her eyes. All it was, was a seething numbness in her shoulder.

Two more shots were heard, but Wanda could hardly hear them as she stared at the blood that was coming out from her left shoulder.

Someone crouched besides her and checked her wound. "It's not bad, Vision, carry her back. Steve will get Hope, lets go."

She felt arms wrapped around her and she looked at Vision's face in confusion. As they were moving Wanda smelt a whiff of Vanilla... And cinnamon.

"V-vhy vould Steve need to carry Hope?"

Vision made no reply, as he sat her besides him, suddenly. She felt the familiar feeling of the chairs from the helicarrier and saw the bunker. She made it to safety.

He took off her jacket for Wanda, which left her with a black tank top on. She winced in pain from the rubbing fabric.

She moved her left strap out of the way from the wound as Vision analyzed it.

"Don't understand..." She murmured, head back.

"You don't understand what?" He said stoutly.

"He was aiming at my head."

Vision slid a glance at her face, but then quickly went back to putting alcohol on a cotton ball. He quickly brought it up to her wound.

Her eyes got wide as she gasped in pain. "OW!" She yelled. "What the... That hurt vorse zan dee gunshot!" She furrowed her brow in pain as he kept dabbing the wound. "Are you sure you're licensed?" She asked moodily.

He smiled lightly, and she was almost to the point of growling at him.

Alice came into view with a worried, teary, look on her face. She looked at Wanda's wound, and then looked at Vision with hopeful eyes.

"Can you get the bullet out?"

He nodded while Wanda shook her head. "There is no wa-" She stopped talking as Vision glared at her in annoyance.

Wanda was shocked. He was never annoyed, ever. So she hung her head back and rolled her eyes dramatically.

"Fiiine." She wined.

She felt the slight jab from a liquid they put in her, but then powerful numbness gradually set in. She didn't feel anything as she watched Vision very carefully, use tweezers, to get the bullet out. It was still as painful to watch.

Steve walked in, panting, with Hope on his back, and sat her down. He started to yell at Sam.


She barely processed that the bullet was out until Vision walked over to Hope to do the same to her. Alice took Vision's place and she put her hands on Wanda's shoulder.

The small, now woman, closed her eyes and slowly started to murmur the words 'heal'... In Sokovian? After five minutes, the numbness slowly began to go away and the pain came back like a punch to the face.

Yet, the pain didn't last long as Alice's heals became louder, just as they did the night Wanda first met her.

Alice's hands came off, and she looked at the now big scab on Wanda's shoulder.

"Just wash the blood, and the wound will no longer be there." She stated.

She then quickly made her way to Hope, who had her bullet taken out too. She looked unconscious.

Wanda was confused, and when Vision came to her with alcohol wipes, she looked at him with bewilderment.

"I didn't know you could do that."

Vision shook his head once. "I as well, had no idea."

Wanda closed her eyes and rubbed them vigorously. "Why is Hope shot?" She placed her hands in her lap, opened her eyes, and grabbed a wipe, so she could clean her shoulder.

Vision sat down next to her. "She pushed the man, that's why he only nipped your shoulder. He turned around and then shot her in the side of her stomach."

Wanda rested her head on the wall, and breathed big breaths. "She didn't have to do that."

"Would you like to be dead, Wanda?"

Wanda looked at him, and he stared back with an expression that Wanda was surprised to be met with fear.

"No. I wouldn't. I'm sorry." She said softly. She looked away from his stare, and slowly grabbed his hand.

Not because she needed to be calmed down, but because she knew he needed her. It had been a stressful day for all of them.

Wanda, without another word, fell asleep for the first time in four days.

She had wrapped her arms around his right arm and snuggled herself close to him. He smiled softly at her, and ignored Nat's, Steve's, and Kristen's shocked stares.

An hour later, they stopped flying, and Vision carefully picked Wanda up and slowly glided to her room to sit her down on the bed.

As he did, she grabbed his arm, and slightly opened her eyes.

"I guess since it isn't such a terrible burden, you can stay."

He smirked at her state just when she slowly got underneath the covers. As he sat down on the bed, besides her, she curled up to him like a cat.

That night, Vision closed his eyes too, and fell asleep.

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