The warning

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Both Wanda and Vision entered the main hall side by side.

A few agent's here and there nodded towards them, and Wanda almost patted a girl on the back when she saw her reaction to the two. The girl was absolutely terrified, and Wanda couldn't blame her. She herself looked like an emo goth girl without her red jacket on, and Vision? Well, Vision was Vision.

They entered the planning room within five minutes and expecting to find only Steve, the found the whole crew instead. There were even some agent's Wanda didn't know.

Steve stood up amiss the crowd, and smiled widely as he looked at them. Coughing, he grabbed everyone's attention and gestured a hand towards the new-comers.

"Those of you who don't know who this pair is;" He moved his hand left to Wanda. "This is agent Wanda Maximoff, AKA, Scarlet Witch, as they now call her on Social Media." Wanda frowned, that was new.

Steve shrugged after smirking at her reaction. He then moved his hand again. "And the Vision. Who we all know."

Some people smiled and waved politely, some were nervous, and some were not amused. Most were among the last lines.

An awkward silence reached the room. That is, until Natasha smiled as politely she could get, walked over, and led them to two seats that were open.

Wanda sat down with her nerves dancing around. Nat saw her discomfort and quickly started to explain why they were there with a light mood.

"Two girls, each with supernatural powers, contacted us this morning, saying they were in need of help." Nat picked up a remote. "Here, just watch this."

Steve took the remote and pushed a button. The screen in the room lit up with a very shaky image of a tiny girl, probably no more than sixteen, came into view.

"Hi, um..." Her eye's were worried.

"WE DON'T HAVE TIME FOR STUTTERING. JUST SAY WHAT NEEDS TO BE SAID." An angry flustered voice bursts through any confidence the girl had had to begin with. Shouts of surprise were heard in the background.

Wanda's attention went back to the teary, exhausted human being, who was clearly doing everything thing it took not to stop talking and burst into tears.

"Okay... my name's Alice, and our friend that is now..." Her eyes watered, but she shook her head. "Well, he's gone. And he told us to contact the Avengers- and to be honest I think this is crazy, but-"

"JUST SAY IT!" The angry voice blurted out again.

Alice gulps. "That's my friend Hope... Um- Anyway! We need help!" The girls senses finally started to kick in. "There is a group that is gathering that have abilities just like me and my friend Hope Summers, and they plan to attack people that are... well? Normal. We nee-"

The camera was taken suddenly the from her. Soon a girl with strawberry red hair came into view it with a scowl formed on her face. "Yeah, yeah whatever, just-"

She gets cut off by doing something with her hand. "Alice! Back me up!" She then returned her gaze to the camera. "OUR LOCATION IS IN THE BASEMENT OF- WHAT'S THE BUILDING CALLED?" She yells this comment to Alice.

"It's an abandoned place called Killian Industries!" She reply's back with her small voice.

"IT'S IN-"

The camera cut short, and the last thing Wanda saw was Alice in the background being tackled, then Hope looking terrified as she turned off the camera.

Wanda didn't know what to say, so she didn't say anything. Every thing was just so... Confusing and sudden.

"That's why we are gathered here today." Nat finished her speech.

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