The Capture

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All things Wanda always hoped she'd never be.

She whimpered slightly as she moved to her side, and realized she was chained to a dirt floor... in a luxurious orange tent.

The topping was draped lowly until it came to a point of tallness due to the giant pole in the middle of the tent. Everything around her was plush, colorful, and comfortable. All except her.

She brought up her hands so she could rub her eyes, but her wrists yanked back reluctantly. Wanda saw they were wrapped with chains that would only go up so far. They had already formed several bruises from just her moving.

Then, as she moved slightly, she felt that greasy, disgusting, stiff, feeling in her hair, from when its been a few days from washing it.

Her mouth curved into the familiar frown she seemed to be doing often, and contemplated if she had been there more than a couple hours. Days maybe. 

She began to feel very worried, but knew she'd have this under control. She would just need to take a breath and find a way to get inside Arkon's- if that was really his ridiculous name- head.

So...What is the man's fear?

As if he heard her; he entered the orange tent on the left side puffing his chest out and Wanda got a good look at him... making a weird face while realizing he was wearing something certainly different than what he had when he captured her.

He had a wide smile on his face. Leather and fur for clothes hung off his ripped body. Each obviously from a different kind of animal. He then had his long, dark, frizzled hair, going down his back in an imperfect line. Arkon's entire torso was bare, and it made Wanda sick to think about why he was in there. So many things could go wrong. And so many things already had.

"Ahhh. My soon to be wife is awake. How does it feel to almost be married?" He said sitting down on a cushion heartily. He wiggled about– making himself at home.

Wanda snarled at his happy attitude. "I'm not your bride, and I'm not marrying you."

Arkon ceased his smilies and tutted sadly. He shook his head with a face that annoyed the hell out of Wanda. "But you will."

Wanda barked out a harsh laugh. "And why is zat? Hm?"

"Because I am Arkon! Ruler of Polemachus! That is why." He crossed his arms over his swelled chest in a pride nobody liked to see.

Wanda rolled her eyes at his bold description. If one could even call it that. "Zat means nothing to me as a girl or to anyone."

She watched as Arkon chuckled mockingly—just like the gleam in his eye began to spark like fireworks on Fourth of July. He was taunting her. "It will, when you carry my child."

The air seemed to cease in Wanda's lungs as she watched as he began to edge near her. She looked down at her chains and tried to do something- anything- to make them budge at all. She also felt a huge relief when she observed she was wearing the same clothes as she was before. That was always a good plus.

She looked up at Arkon, uncertainty all about her face when he slid over to give her something big and dark in his hand. He placed it on her lap, and she looked at the huge ancient book in distain.

"Vhat on earth do you vant me to do?" She said raising an eyebrow— Adding a hateful expression towards her captor.

"Go to page 276."

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