The Confusion

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Hey guys! I'm thinking about posting only another two more chapters because... I really, really, don't wan't to screw up the whole Marvel universe thing when the civil war comes out, because as we all know, I cannot trust the movies to go along with the comics, and I just really want to go along with the movies, so yeah.... BUT DON'T WORRY! I am planning, that as SOON as the Civil War comes out, I will come out with the second book, Flame. So I'm not going to abandon this story, I promise.

I'm going to take this time to write a NEW book series, that I have no clue what their about! I really am just really lost as to what I should do. Suggestions?

P.S- I just realized I've been calling Hope, 'Summer'. *Face Palm* So I went back, and when I said, 'Summer', I changed it to Summers, since that's her last name. Oops. -_-

Wanda laid on her back and stared at her ceiling. She had just gotten done venting at Vision all because someone else decided to make her mad, so of course, being the rash person she was, she snapped at Vision. It then had angered her that he wasn't responding the way he was supposed to.

Groaning, she flipped over on her stomach and buried her face into the scratchy top-covers that had sparkly designs woven into them.

I hate life.

That wasn't entirely true, but it was a good explanation of how she was feeling.

Closing her eyes, Wanda dozed off with worried thoughts tugging her brain. She didn't like feeling sorry or feeling bad for things she did; it was a horrible, and terrible burden you were approached with, until you faced that problem or you simply forgot. Forgetting was not an option with such a problem.

Sighing, she sluggishly made her way off the bed, and stood to find a decorative... thing, had fallen off her wall from her emotions. Cursing, she picked it up and attempted to hang it back up. Once she sort-of, kind-of, let it hang on the wall she felt her stomach was cramp from the lack of food.

Walking over to her mirror, she looked closely and found her eyeliner was smudged. Scrunching her nose, she tried to ignore the thought that she didn't look social ready, and instead told herself she looked... nice.

Hugging herself, she put on the familiar leather jacket she loved. Un-tucking her hair from the jacket, she opened her door, and with a sigh of 'okay, I have to go face the world every now and then', she trudged down the hallway.

Here and then, she would pass agents she had no clue as of to who they were, but nodded her head kindly when their eyes slowly got wide and then timidly said hi.

Wanda assumed they didn't know she looked behind her when they passed; they practically ran after they did their segment of embarrassment for the day.

Opening the doors of the lunchroom, she saw no one was there. Not even a single tray of food was set up for the Avengers. Shrugging absentmindedly she realized she wasn't hungry anymore. Dinner was just an excuse to find Vision and say sorry. Bedsides, Vision was more important than food.

Walking over to a metal door on the side of the room, she entered the lounge she had talked with Alice after she got back, and with a smile, she remembered watching Downton Abbey with Vision the same day two weeks ago. She had pestered him with so many questions, such as 'Why is Thomas such a jerk?', but instead of him answering (frustratingly), thirty seconds later she found out why, when the Duke came into scene. She forgave Thomas- well, she did until he did other stupid things.

As the room came into her full view she saw where the crew had been the whole time, and raised an eyebrow at everyone who had turned their heads towards her. Folding her arms, Wanda cautiously walked over to the circle of hero's.

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