The Facts

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Wanda walked in the conference room and looked outside. She was surprised that it was still bright out. How long had she been sleeping? The clock read, 5:00 PM, and she sighed. She'd have a sleepless night that night. There was no way Wanda was going back to sleep anytime soon. It was a guarantee that if she were to go back to sleep she'd have nightmares. It wasn't much of a loss.

Wanda turned her head towards the table with most Avengers sitting there. Even Thor sat with his normal clothes. He smiled kindly towards Wanda when he caught her staring, and she returned the smile with little effort. She actually didn't dislike the huge man, because he looked at her with a face that wasn't evaluating every move she would make. She knew he had seen odder and more dangerous people than her simple mind tricks. She appreciated him, and wished he wasn't going to leave.

A voice called out to her wandering thoughts, "Ms. Maximoff? Sit please," Wanda looked up from her hands and found Fury staring at her with a blank stare. She looked around and found everyone was watching her. They were all in a secluded room, because technically Fury wasn't supposed to be alive, and Wanda found that the lack of people actually helped her think. 

Wanda nodded and sat down at a table that had most of it's seats taken except one. Natasha was sitting by the empty seat, grinding her teeth. Wanda suddenly knew who's seat that was. She felt guilty. If she hadn't made Banner go into that terrible coma of fury, then maybe he would still be sitting with the rest of them. Wanda was still looking at the seat with a guilt-ridden face when Fury started his speech.

"As you all know, we are building a new headquarters, thanks to Stark." His dark hands gestured to Tony, who was sitting lazily in his chair. He snorted and sat upright when everyone's attention seemed to be on him suddenly.

"Yeah, let me get this out. I find it satisfying that at first you didn't want me on the team- correct?" He waved his right hand in Fury's face, and a chuckle or two came from some of the others. Fury on the other hand, stared at Tony and started grinding his teeth. He looked around at everyone and ignored Tony. This was also included in his question.

"All I need to know if regular rooms will be a problem for some of you." His eye landed on Wanda, and she suddenly felt very small. He was obviously talking to those of them who couldn't control their powers even when they went to sleep. But when she tried to think of any of the others who had problems, it all led back to her. She was the only one. Wanda slightly sunk in her chair when she could hear the obvious thoughts of all those around her. They were all making their way in her direction.

Fury looked at everyone around him to let his point be made, and Wanda felt the sudden urge to touch into his thoughts and maybe twist some of them... Her daze was interrupted when he began to speak again. "If it is a problem, then I need to be notified immediately. Some of us like to sleep."

He walked out after giving everyone a swift nod, and let his eyes linger slightly on Wanda. She let her eyes flash red just for show, but as far as she could tell, this did nothing to scare him. He walked out with the same calmness he had came in with. Judging by the others expressions, this was not the regular meeting they had. It was more just like something he came up with on the spot. Wanda supposed that he did, if he could make it clear to the only person in there that she needed to fess up that she wouldn't be sleeping peacefully anytime soon. What an ass.

"That was weird..." Steve said after everyone was silent for a few moments, and then started to speak to Sam, who was next to him. It seemed like the suspense in the room dropped about fifty percent, and Wanda was very glad for the carefree attitude of the group. But one thought kept nagging at her as she sat silently at that table.

He had zat meeting because of me. Wanda was thinking this exact thought so hard she almost missed a voice.

I have a feeling that it was for me also, Ms.Maximoff, don't wary yourself.

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