The Siren

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Karen Gillian is Hope by the way. I just really like her, and I feel she can play a good Hope. All rights go to Marvel.

The trip on the way back was very awkward. Even for Vision; for he could feel the tension. It was like a too big balloon and if anyone blew one word out— it would pop.

Alice stayed on the floor cradling her half-brothers head, and Hope sat besides Wanda grinding her teeth in an angry way. Kristen sat directly opposite of the two. Nat, Wilson, and Steve all sat up in the Pilot seats.

The whole while, Wanda would reach out to Vision and ask him theory's, and what he thought about them. Most of the time they were odd questions, and to Wanda's delight; he would try so hard not to frown just so he could answer seriously. Getting under his skin was becoming easier and easier.

After what seemed like thirty minute's of secret talking and traveling, Kristen spoke to the amusing 'kids'  in front of her.

Wanda directed her attention to the prettiest woman alive, and found questions of the woman's; floating in her head: awaiting to be answered.

"So... What can you all do?" Kristen said, smiling brightly. No one dared to speak first.

After nothing was said for a few moments, her smile did not waver and instead she clarified her inquiry—even though it was not needed. "As in your gifts, and such." She waved her hands before her, and Wanda saw she was very good with luring in someone while speaking. She was a good entertainer.

Which made Wanda dislike her all the more.

Hope said nothing and was still grinding her teeth together. Wanda refused, and Vision thought best not to after the look he got from Wanda when he was about to speak. Alice was the only one who decided to speak after she cowered from the tension. Her small voice reached them from the floor.

"I can control emotions. I can also look at a person and say die..." She paused and looked at Kristen with a slight dark look on her face. "And they would drop dead at my feet." She lit up again, after noticing her foul attitude, and smiled slightly. "They call me 'The Neuron', because that's a cell in the brain that control's your nerves. Lame, I know, but hey, I can do some wicked stuff with these bad boys." She wiggled her fingers towards her eyes while grinning like a kid. Wanda smiled slightly at the tiny girl. She was a fun thing.

"How old are you?" Kristen said with interest. Her head tilted to the side.

"Nineteen. Turning Twenty next week."

Alice smiled at Kristen, and Wanda could feel Hope tensions grow higher by the moment. Something's did not go right between Hope and Kristen back in the abandoned industry.

Kristen smiled mockingly towards Alice and Wanda felt the need to punch it off of her pretty face, strangely enough.

Wanda. Constrain yourself.

She sighed slightly and slowly laid her head on his arm in exasperation.

But that's so hard. She whined.

He smiled softly down at her. Wanda grimaced back.

Their gaze was broken by the goddess.

"What about you, dear? What can you do?" Kristen said directing her question to Hope.

Hope stopped grinding her teeth and sighed as if it was so hard to answer the question.

"I can take any power anyone has and use it." Kristen raised a brow. Hope pointed in the direction of Wanda. "Look at Wanda for example. I could use hers but since she is, I'm guessing, lab generated...?"

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