The Avengers

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This isn't my finest work, so just cringe through it okay? The next chapter is much better. I just didn't know how to write this without screwing up the movie, and pardon if I didn't quote something right... I've only seen it three times in the theater, and that's not enough to quote a whole movie for me. All rights go to Marvel.

Pietro scooped up Wanda and ran as fast as he could. The halls of the hydra base rushed past the both of them in a sickening speed. Wanda and her brother knew the facility like the back of their hand. They had been held there for months, and now they were about to show the Avengers what kind of people Hydra really had. Running into a random room, Pietro smiled down at his determined sister, and zoomed out of the room after she was put down.

Wanda knew exactly what she was to do.

She searched throughout the building for Strucker's mind and found that he was cornered by the oh-so-perfect Captain America. She almost threw up thinking of the red, white, and blue figure. She snarled and pin-pointed their exact location. It wasn't far from where she was. Maybe if she were to make the American tricked by his own vision, that would let Strucker escape by a slim chance.

Deciding that's what she would do, she quickly and quietly made her way to them. People rushed by her to get out of the building. After all, the Avengers were there. Most people couldn't even take the thought of going against them. Wanda chuckled. She could. She'd imagined it many times.

Finding the two, she hid in a dark corner to hide as she distracted the Captain and watched with her beady red eyes as Strucker escaped. She slowly made her way out, making sure he thought she looked pretty creepy. That was the trick. Look more intimidating than you may actually be. She smirked when she heard his pathetic voice behind her.

"Another one?" Steve hissed in her earpiece.

Ah, so they have met my brother.

She smiled widely, and snuck into one of the secret doors down the hall. She hid in the shadows and made sure she could see where the scepter was, and then hid. She heard many explosions, probably because of her brother if she were to be honest, and yells came from inside the building. It was almost time to go. She had a feeling that Hydra didn't control them anymore, but that didn't mean that she couldn't help them a little further...

Soon after she had crept in that room, her least favorite person in the world came into the room. He still looked more of a jerk since she'd last saw pictures of him. He just had that face she really wanted to punch.


She almost snarled, but decided it was best to keep quiet. As Stark zoned in on the main tool, he took the scepter in his hands, and she quickly stepped behind him with a grace she had maintained since the entire existence of her powers. Almost lovingly, she entered his mind, and found many interesting fears... But found a beautiful one that had a pile of the Avengers, dead. If she were to mess with him, she would go down to his core.

That should do it.

Pietro came up from behind her like a bullet, and looked at Wanda with a betrayed look. She could tell he was confused as to why she hadn't killed him yet. Wanda smiled fondly at him, and let him panic.

"Why is he still here? With zee scepter?"

She smirked at his worried expression. As if she didn't want to get rid of him. But, surprisingly, she didn't have to. Sooner or later, Stark would destroy the entire Avengers. He just had that kind of attitude to him. He stuck his head in things he shouldn't. She turned to her brother.

"Lets go."

He looked at her in confusion but did what she asked. After all, the building was invaded with Shield agents, and he would really like not to be iced.  As they left the building, he caught her arm when he stopped just outside the city limits. "Vhat was zat? Do you realize who zat was?"

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