The News

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The next few minutes were hectic as Thor showed up, and Nat got informed that Laura Barton had just had her baby. He was a chunky little thing, but precious all in the same.

Wanda was escorted into a room where they fitted her suit on her, and as she looked in the mirror after she was suited, she was smiling. She liked it. A lot.

She walked into a room with Sam, Vision, and Rhodes. She looked around and figured this was going to be her family now. She watched not to sadly as Thor left and Stark got in his car.

Wanda's heart was beating fast. It was happening. The moment that she would be considered an 'Avenger'. This was basically the end of the paperwork.

Did she wan't this path? She knew there was no other path for her, so this must be it. Bedside's, she had made more friends there, than she had in a lifetime. Although this place could never beat Sokovia... This was now her... Home.

Steve entered the room with a broad perseverance look; Nat's not interested look behind him. She smiled softly at him as he looked over them with a proud look. Wanda knew this was where she belonged.

"Avenger's?.... Assemble."


Wanda hadn't slept in a week.

Every time she had tried, she was overcome with vivid nightmare's of either her friends dying, or of her drowning, over, and over again.

And she refused to let Vision help her. She was tired of him saving her. She could do this on her own. She was a strong, confident, hap-

"WANDA! On your left! On your left!"

She turned around to find three men with Icer's in their possession. All three were coming at her. She brought up her force-field just as they started to shoot. That's when they started to close in.

She cursed under her breath, and decided she would show them not to mess with her.

She reached out for their minds and found each one of their common fears, such as spiders eating their heads, or clowns with hatches, and even godzilla stomping on them.

They each dropped, and she felt satisfied. She watched as they blubbered and closed their eyes... Maybe she went too far...


She made her way to the middle of the feildand watched as the newbies tried to fight. She watched as Hope got out in mere seconds of the practice. She was fuming with anger as she stomped over to the out zone.

Poor Alice was just running around... She was actually quite good at hiding. But alas, she was blasted with an Airsoft gun. She pouted and made her way over to Hope.

Wanda was so focused on the two that she didn't realize how close the other team was to winning.

"Now we can do this the easy way, or the hard way, darlin'."

Wanda spun around to see Kristen smiling widely at her; twenty men were behind her, with dazed expressions.

"I zee you're using men to do dee dirty vork. Too fragile?" Mocked Wanda. Her eyes sparked a red tint of excitement.

Kristen made a sound that appeared to be a chopped up laugh. "You got me there. Yes, sadly I just got a pedicure yesterday, so I can't use the bad boys." She said waving her hands. As she did, the fake, plastic, bullets emerged from behind her and they all had came to see Wanda.

Wanda blocked all of them from just a flick of her hand. She sneered from the easy challenge.

"I hope you know I replaced the power-house of the team..." She muttered to the beautiful woman as she summoned a huge ball of red energy in her hands.

She threw it just as soon as she obtained it; at Kristen. She dodged it, but the men behind her were the less fortunate. They were spread like bowling pins, each of them falling and groaning in pain.

Kristen's face was a masterpiece full of pure rage. "How-"

She never got to finish that sentence, seeing that she was lifted up by gravity once she was stunned from an invisible source. Wanda laughed madly as all she did was snap, and watched as Kristen entered her worse nightmare; Her being the ugliest old hag with people (especially men) throwing tomatoes at her.

She let out an over-reactive scream, and that's when Wanda knew she had done her job. She looked at Vision who had been the one to lift Kristen, and nodded her head in thanks. She watched as he slowly let her limp, trembling, body down.

"How many left on our team?"

"Only you and me."

Wanda let out a burst of frustration, and then nodded her head to accept it. After all, they knew each other well.

"Zat's fine... vee vork good together, ve'll do good..." She said, trying to convince herself that they were going to win.

Her earpiece started going off as Wanda expected it would.

"Let me guess, you took down our trainee?" Steve said.

"Yeah, I did. Now vere are you?"

She heard Steve curse under his breath, and the line went dead. She smiled and then laughed gleefully.

"Dey, are sooo screwed."


They won with Wanda taking down Nat and Sam, just when Vision took down Rodgers; who wouldn't go down without a fight.

Finally, after a long fought battle, Vision took a Airsoft gun from Wanda, shot once, and caught Rodgers square in the shoulder. Steve shook his head and fairly stood up and then told them that he was shot.

Wanda rolled her eye's when she tried to give Vision a high-five. He stared unmoving. He tilted his head and looked at her with unchanging eye's. She sighed and brought up his hand to give it a pat.

"Close enough."

After the awkward encounter she ran to find Hope, sitting in the out-zone. Wanda sat down besides her.

"Vhat's wrong?"

Hope huffed out and rested her head on her hands. "I'm not telling my problems to a girl two years younger than me." Wanda shrugged while she sat there, staring at the ground. Maybe if she stayed there long enough it would make the girl uncomfortable— and maybe then she would say something.

Hope rolled her head back with a slight annoyed look and shook her head. "Fine, I can't work properly, because the only persons powers I can actually use is Alice's, but it's no use when you have two of the same powers on a small battlefield. And I can't physically fight... So I'm basically useless." She said, waving her arms wildly around the whole while.

Wanda bit her lip and inclined her head in agreement.

"I know how it feels to be useless, trust me, but dis ees zee reason vhy ve're practicing... And it's not like we vill be fighting in small groups like zis anyway. Vhen the time comes, you'll be a great help, especially if the other team has gifted people such as yourself and Alice.... As for zee fighting, why von't you take lessons with Nat? I'm sure she'll have fun doing that... I zink..."

Hope shrugged, looking glummer than ever. Wanda rested her arm on her own leg and placed her head in one hand, and pouted with the other girl. After five minute's of nothing, Wanda huffed in boredom.

"Vell, are you at least excited for Alice's birthday party?"

Hope's eye's lit up. "I totally forgot. Yes... I am!" She got up with energy she didn't have a few minutes ago, and smiled widely. "Now the only thing that would make this day amazing is if Harry woke up!"

As if on Que., Steve came running around the corner with a big smile on his face.

"Harry's awake!"


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