The Theory

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Nightmare's came that night. It was no surprise to Wanda, and it had only kicked in depression back when she woke up. How she woke up was the real concern.

She opened her eyes, to find two people whispering at her doorway, and then one figure slowly made it's way to her bed, when they reached to it, she flung out her hand, and turned on the lamp by her bed with a wisp of the hand.

She sighed in relief when she only saw Vision by her, and Clint at the doorway. She hadn't even noticed how scared she'd been until she started to breath normally.

Clint shook his head, his eye's filled with sleep, and his hair tossed around. He yawned.

"I can't do this, you're in charge Vision." He stared at Wanda. "Wanda? You are to listen to Vision. Goodnight." He then made his way back into his room, and she could hear the door shut, and two whispers once he got in his bed. Wanda backed away from his mind after listening to their conversation, they were talking about her.

"Ms.Maxim- I mean- Wanda, the reason I am in your room, and why I am here in the first place, is that... It seems to work that when you are having a existential crisis, or having nightmares... ceases when you are near me, or when we physically contact."

Wanda stared blankly at him. Her thought's then randomly ran to,

I wonder how bad I look right now...

You look fine.

Wanda focused back on Vision and could feel herself blushing. Vision, seemed to not be aware of what he had just stated, and continued.

"That is why Clint brought me. We... experimented the notion the first night you fell asleep at the headquarters after dinner. Do you recollect having nightmares that night, Wanda?" His eye's stared deeply into her's, and she knew her cheeks were more than pink now.

She buried her face into her hands, rubbing the sleep away. She was acting and thinking weird things, she needed to wake up.

"Uh, actually..." She lifted her head suddenly remembering. "No. I had no dreams zat night... dat vas you?" She stared up at him with wondering eyes.

He nodded, "I reached out to you, and your mind... soothed. Afterwards, Clint decided to bring myself with you."

Wanda realized he was still standing, and it made her dizzy looking up. "Sit down, while I process dis." She said rubbing her forehead.

He slowly sat down on the edge of her bed, and she almost smiled at how childish and skittish he looked.

Well, he was just born a few day's ago...

What was that?

Wanda jumped.

Stop doing that!

Verbalizing with you like this?

Yes, well- no, just... only speak to me when I actually speak to you, like this. Does that make sense?

He tilted his head to the side, and she groaned; why was this happening to her? All she wanted to do was sleep.

Okay, tomorrow, we're having our lesson, remember? So we can talk about this tomorrow. But right now, I'm going to sleep.

She sunk deep into her covers, and she held out her hand to Vision. She rolled her eye's at his confused look. "You said we needed to be touching when I sleep. And I prefer hand-touching, nothing else, thank you." She scrunched up her nose—her mind was in a dark place that night.

He slowly, and cautiously, took her hand, and immediately her mind was filled with pleasant thoughts. She slowly started to go to sleep.

It works.

Are you verbalizing with me right now?

She smiled.

Yees, I am. Happy?

Why would I be blissful?

She chuckled and almost rolled her eyes, but they were closed.

Because you zort of von the fight.

We were fighting?

She smiled.

No, no vee veren't.

And she could just see him tilting his head to the side from behind her eyelids.

She fell asleep that night blissful.

Short and Sweet :) Vote and all that stuff! Okay?

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