The riots

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Disclaimers: I'm doing this every now and then, so people wont freak out. So I don't own any of these characters... Except for Ellie. But who knows? There could have been someone like her in their lives. But yeah... All rights go to Marvel.


The next morning, after the day Pietro had come back, Wanda woke up with Pietro sprawled across most of the bed, drooling with his mouth wide open. He was snoring quietly, and his face was peaceful. Pieces of his brown hair lay parted on his forehead and his nose twitched every now and then from the tickling hair. He looked like a child again.

Wanda chuckled at her twin but winced from the twinge in her shoulder shortly afterwards. She messaged her neck with a grimace. No wonder it hurt. He had taken most of the bed that her neck hadn't gotten a proper place to lay. She groaned and tried massaging it gently. After giving up, she heaved herself off the bed. She glanced at her brother and was tempted to wake him, but refrained and made her way to the door.

She carefully and slowly made it down the stairs with only a couple of stumbles. Rubbing the sleep from her eyes, she started on the porridge she made every morning and hummed while doing it. After Wanda decided it was nicely cooked, she got Ellie to eat it, but not before Wanda dressed her and let her hobble down the hall to sit in the wooden rocking chair. 

The fireplace was practically out, and Wanda crouched down to kindle the burning char that had been going on for the entire night. Eyeing the old woman, who was slowly eating her porridge, Wanda slipped out the back door of the connected house to grab wood from the back alley where they stored supplies of food for the fire. Grabbing three large logs, she blew out through her tight lips and saw the breath in a small fog around her face. It had become cold over night, and the rain had turned into small flecks of snow through the morning.

Shivering, she quickly ran to the entrance of the house, and turned the knob. Walking halfway in, she turned around carefully when she saw movement in the corner of her eye. She saw a man she had missed at the end of the alley; watching her intently. Shivering this time not from the cold, she hurriedly made it into the house and slammed the door behind her. Clutching the wood to her chest, she heaved in and out and leaned her head on the wooden door. Her face was worried, but she quickly brushed it off and smiled suddenly. Wanda chuckled lightly from her frightened self.

For all she knew, he was the resident in the next house; she was acting like a scared little child.

Leaning off the door, she still made sure to lock it, and then weaved her way into the ancient house to find the living room again. The halls creaked under her weight, and she walked passed all the many picture frames that had some sort of connection to Ellie. She had studied them before, and found out the woman had traveled many times over her past years; that and along with her husband.

Wanda remembered the old lady telling her he had died from an Indian disease they had caught from India. Ellie's voice had become cold during her story, and Wanda had felt her heart surge in empathy from the sadness that reminded her of her own grief over the imprisoned Pietro. It also brought her back to when her parents died, and she was secretly glad Ellie never told that story again.

Shaking her head to empty the thoughts in her head, Wanda knelt down to the fireplace, and saw Ellie had eaten all of her porridge while Wanda was absent. After taking care of the fire that was thriving fully again, she picked up the bowl from the small table besides the old woman, and entered the kitchen to wash it. 

After doing just that, Wanda entered the cozy living room again, and opened the curtains to let some of the light in. Small flakes made their way down onto the outer window seal, like a light sprinkle of powdered sugar on a cake. People made their ways down the alley ways, and Wanda saw with a fond look that two children about the age of ten continuously ran down the alley to escape each others 'You're it!'. 

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