The Secret is Revealed

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That comment made my day. That person is having a really rough time. Hey, eventually we all ship it. You're not alone.

And I know what your thinking, more than two words for the title? Well... A special title for a special chapter...

*Edit May 2018- If this chapter looks different than the last time you read it, that's because I hated the way I had depicted Wanda and a few other things, so I change a lot of stuff in this chapter... sorry if that offends you.*

Wanda panicked, and her heart began to beat fast. She cursed loudly when she realized she wouldn't be able to make this look normal, so stood up and waited for what was coming. Yet, running away was a much presentable and predictable conception. She was stopped from escaping when the only two chains that were still in contact with the floor yanked on her left foot, and right wrist.

She cursed even louder and harsher as the heavy footsteps were right outside of the tent. Struggling with her breath, she finally let go of the idea of running away and accredited an exasperation sigh instead. She sat down in a heap, not bothering to find something soft to land on, and was close to angry tears as Wanda waited for the person to come forth.

Someone did poke their head in, and she almost burst into happy tears just as she saw the familiar chestnut hair and bright brilliant smile. Her smile matched along her rescuers own, and she laughed off her stress in relief.

Steve smiled, pleased, in the act of seeing she was in the tent. "You know how much I hate that talk Maximoff." He joked, referring to her curses. "I may just leave, but it's too bad someone's out there waiting for you."

He winked playfully and entirely came into the tent with another person towing behind him. This time, Wanda did let a tear of relief run down her face as she stared into Vision's familiar, friendly, eyes. The pint-sized gears and shifts commenced into the recognizable pattern she had grown used to. She swore in her thoughts that she would never say a harsh thing to the man ever again.

Steve crouched beside her and looked at the chains. "Uhh, Vision? Help?"

Vision too, bent down beside her to let the mind gem in his head began to glow. He directed the power to the chains, but to no avail. Wanda shook her head kindly and placed her hand on his own. He brushed off her hand and started to try and remove them again with annoyance creeping into his eyes.

Wanda shook her head once more and brushed off his own hands, "These chains are made of some kind of evil metal, so you need to do something gruesome to get them off."

She then spits some of the blood that had pooled in her mouth. Steve was jumping backward to miss the spit in the process, and sure enough, they began to fade like all the others had. As they executed; Steve stood up shortly afterward and told them to stay there while he went to go and help the others. Wanda didn't know what that meant, but she was too happy and exhausted to care.

Finally, all the chains were done dissolving, and she was free. Wanda stood up limply with the help of Vision and kept a hold of his hand for a second- or two before she let go nervously.

She detected him observing her bruised and bloodied lip with a disapproving, protective, look and sure enough, he met her fears when commented on it.

"What occurred here?" He said; his brow furrowing.

Wanda huffed out in a prejudice type of way. "Thank you for your concern, but nothing you should care about." She said expeditiously, and made her way to exit of the tent but was roughly pushed down by an obviously bigger person on the other side. 

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