The Captive's

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That's Alice. I had to bring Lily into my story, so deal with it. -.-


Wanda entered the building expecting to see a huge fight going on. She was most definitely wrong.

Instead, there were men and women alike, yelling at each other. In the middle of the crowd were three very beat-up humans. All three were tied up to one stake. It made Wanda squirm to see that they were caked in dirt and blood.

Nobody had noticed the Avengers yet, but it was just a matter of time.

Wanda looked at the three again and realized dumbly that the two who had contacted them through the video were two of the three. The other person was a man, Wanda didn't know.

Alice, the tiny one, looked so fragile, and Wanda noticed with a questionable thought that she was the only one blindfolded. Hope on the other hand looked furious; her exhaustion barely seeped through as she seethed in anger .

The red-head whispered to the man besides her. When she frowned Wanda felt he was what looked like knocked out cold. None of this made sense to the mind of Wanda.

She heard Steve tell Nat to do something quietly, and then slowly crouched and waddled over to Wanda.

"Your in charge of the three hostages, grab them— then get out. Got it?"

Wanda's eyes slightly widened as she looked at the stupid Captain. She couldn't be in charge of three people's lives! She could fail them miserably.


"No but's! You have to do this." He sighed and glanced left, besides her. Vision stared back at the captain and understood completely of what was needed. "Vision will be helping you, we'll make the distraction, trying to get the bottom of things, and then you go in and save them!"

Wanda wanted to argue, but she knew it was no use, he was after all, her 'boss'.

Steve left after seeing her grudgingly nod, and walked causally over to the huge group of thugs.

No one noticed him. No one even blinked his way when they were in no doubt, trying to figure out how to deal with the trio.

Steve coughed and Wanda groaned at his stupidity and awkwardness as nobody had recognized his 'distraction'.

Apparently, Natasha saw this too, and walked out with more confidence than anyone or anything in that room. Raising her arm above her head, Wanda jumped as Nat fired three single shots in the air above.

And that's when chaos broke loose. They all obviously knew who she was, and immediately stopped verbally fighting each other , to physically fighting the Avengers.

Wanda shook her head and watched many armed men on their side kicked open another door of the building and cringed when they began shooting Icers everywhere. All as she hid behind a barrel.

"I'm insane."

"Actually, your quite sane to most people in here."

Wanda smiled at Vision's voice besides her.

"Ready?" She asked, a brow raised.

"I have you covered."

Wanda nodded firmly, and prayed that they both would be safe from harm.Taking one last breath she ran out into the hectic crowd.

No one seemed to notice her at all, whether it was because they thought she was on their side, or just because they didn't have time for her; Wanda didn't know or care. She just knew that in thirty seconds she had reached the end of the maze and found the three hostages.

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