The wait

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I didn't want to do this for the first chapter, because I wanted you to immediately be hooked. Hopefully you were, and that's why you're still reading this. I just wanted to say that 'Red' is actually really dear to me, and so many people have helped me with this grand journey.

But of course, with what I thought was good at one point probably isn't good now, so expect changes if you are a re-reader. I add and delete things from this book every week, and I edit as much as I can just to make this the best fanfic I can make.

I hope you share my happiness when it comes to the characters, and I hope you continue on to read.

DISCLAIMERS: I, of course, do not own any of these characters; or the world I'm writing in. You can applaud Mr. Lee, and the other AMAZING people who worked with him just to make this possible. Oh, and I added the whole, 'their parents were having another baby' thing. I thought it would bring more distraught. Ha! Enjoy!


After he saw that one word, Pietro processed what was happening. The bomb didn't go off. His sister would be okay. HE would be okay.

"Pietro?" Wanda whimpered. "Are you okay?" She crawled over her brother to look out from under the bed, from which she saw the crumbled building. Wanda let out a small squeak, but that was all she could manage to do as she saw her house in ruins.

After her eyes felt wet, she shook her head and looked at her brother in despair. He met her look, and his eyes too were watering.

She just wanted her Momi... Wanda's eyes widened when the realization hit. The thought of her parents brought up a whole new fear within her.

She felt words cross her lips, "Momi... POPI!" Wanda tried to scurry out from under the bed, pushing the blankets away but her brother tugged her back harshly. Wanda looked at him with a hurt expression while he tried to explain.

His tone was stern, "NO! Do you understand how dangerous eet is? Something could crush you... Or stab you, or—Stark, could come back!" He said this all in a small, but demanding voice. It was enough for Wanda to nod her head numbly and curl back down besides him and watch as more dust began to crumble.

The dud-bomb stayed in front of Wanda's vision, and she could not help but let it sear into her mind. It was the only thing she could see.

The twins stayed in each others arms for the whole night and day after that small commotion. Talking to each other was not something they did as they laid silent as a ghosts under the small bed.

Soon, hunger gnawed its way into Wanda's stomach and the small girl couldn't hold back her complaints any longer.

"Pietro? When are we going to get out? Zee bombs surly stopped, yeah?"

Pietro gave a hesitant nod, and looked slightly out from under the bed. What he saw made him almost give up all together. A mountain of rubble and sharp objects climbed high into the sky it felt like, and Pietro felt his heart drop. How was he supposed to act hopeful when there was none?

He turned slowly to his sister and tried to stop himself from crying. "We can't get out, because dee entrances are all blocked. And yes... We could climb, but zere are wires, and sharp objects," He sighed and shook his head. "You'd never make it," The boy then put his face into his hands, and started to cry.

Wanda looked at her brother in undeniable love, and sniffed. She realized he didn't even care for himself, only her.

She wrapped her arms around him, and she smoothed down his hair and sang a song their mother used to sing to them.

Red (Scarlet Witch)Where stories live. Discover now