The Answer

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*Edited May 2018*

Wanda glanced at Vision and saw no emotion, other than slight concern. Without another blink, he started walking to the right.

"What are you doing? Aren't we going to 'elp?" Wanda waved her hands in front of his face, hoping to get a reaction.

He shook his head, and stopped by a small brush nearby, and sat her down beside's it.

"I'm going to help. You are going to stay here."

Before she could argue, he took flight, while she was ditched there on the ground; her mouth slightly open in shock.

He left her. He had actually left her on that dinosaur infested planet.

Meanwhile, over where Clint was, a fight had broken loose.

He looked over at his tied friends and used his bow to shoot at a rope Harry and Hope were tangled in. Just as expected, the thin material snapped.

Hope smiled in thanks to Clint while Harry nodded in respect. His eyes were more sick looking than usual, and Clint told himself to tell a nurse about that. Hope caught Harry's arm, and they both disappeared into the fight.

Steve went over to help Rhodes but observed that he had already been cut loose by Vision.

After thanking Vision, Steve got a good view of the portal they had used to get there. (thanks to Thor) He saw all of his teammates gathered in a circle near the entrance. He decided it was time to go back to Earth.

"Vision! Grab Wanda and go! We'll all be behind you! Hope, Harry! Follow Vision!"

The two newbies inclined their heads at this orders and began to follow the flying Vision.

When they reached the android, they saw a very angry Wanda in his arms. When Wanda caught sight of Hope and Harry she awkwardly lost her scowl and smiled at them.

There was no doubt they knew about Alice.

As if they knew what she was thinking they both raised their heads as if saying, 'oh, we know.'.

Wanda pursed her lips but had no time to talk to her peers, seeing she was lifted up into the sky, with the two running after them below.

She tried ever so hard not to think about how high up they were from the ground, and instead focused on a blue swirling portal as it came into view.

"Lovely." She said sarcastically with an eye-roll.

"Quite." Vision said seriously.

She fixed her eyes towards his focused face when they were a few feet away from the hole. Closing her eyes, she felt the gravitational pull from the portal take her and Vision.

She tightened her grip and felt the swirling feeling in her head. Popping sounds filled her ear, and her whole body felt like it was made from jello.

After what felt like a minute or so, she cautiously opened her eyes to see they were in the cafeteria of the Avenger's facility.

She smiled when she saw she didn't black out. From the excitement, she jumped out of Vision's arms, only to be met with searing pain in her right leg.

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