The Lesson

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That's the dress. ^.^ All right's go to Marvel.


Wanda woke up feeling very warm. It was one of those days that she woke up with her eyes closed, and she didn't want to open them.

But then reality set back in.

She opened her eyes and found that she was staring at what should of been a very bored, sleepy Vision, but instead there was a wide awake and aware Vision. She looked at her hand and found that it still clung on to his.

She let go suddenly, and that's when Vision let his gaze wander to Wanda.

"You're up."

Wanda sat up and rubbed her eyes. It was a habit, and she had obtained it ever since she was a baby. She returned her attention back to Vision.

"Yeah... Um, your not tired?"

"I do not require sleep. I am capable... But only for the pleasure in it, I suppose."

Wanda laughed, her sleepiness making her voice croak.

"You're so British."

She then pulled away the covers and went over to a mirror in the room. She ignored Vision's tilting head, and her eyes got wide as she looked at her reflection. She was a mess.

"You're not aloud to be een here! Not vhen I look like this!"

She walked over to Vision, pulled him up, and started to push him out of the room. He didn't resist, but he didn't help either. This made it pretty hard for Wanda to actually get him moving.

He turned to her when he reached the doorway from Wanda still tugging and pulling .

"If you must know, you look beautiful."

She rolled her eyes and shut the door in his face. She smiled as soon as she was alone.

Thank you.

You are welcome.

She walked over to the closet in distraction—her cheeks flaming.

I wonder...

She opened the old thing up and found clothing that was... Outdated. She looked through and was surprised to find things from the sixty's and maybe even fifty's in there.

"Those were my grandmothers. She actually had a very decent style for back then." Laura walked over to Wanda after shutting the room door. Laura paced heavily as her belly restrained her from making any fast moves. She looked through, and picked out a plain black, thick, fabric of a dress and smiled.

"You could wear this, I would actually wear this, and I think most people would." She smiled. "This was actually most likely a mourning dress."

Wanda looked at Laura as if she said the most obvious thing.

"Zen I'll vear it."

Laura smiled sadly at Wanda and without another word, she left the room to cook the rest of breakfast.

Wanda took the dress off the hook, and put it on solemnly. She should be mourning anyway. And in a way she knew she was. She'd never be whole again.

She looked at herself and realized the old lady really did have a nice futuristic touch. She left her hair down and then opened the door to go downstairs.

It was quiet in the house on lazy mornings, and she loved it. She slowly walked into the kitchen, and sat down with the rest of the family.

Vision was there again, just for company, and not for the food. Wanda watched the children eat and then her thoughts wondered out to the window.

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